
Is it permissible to call out Alex Kurtzman for the hack he is?

Oh, it's an objective fact eh? You must be one of those people that uses "literally" in front of everything.

Honestly, I'm not a fan of this reviewer. The reviews have basically just been synopses of the episodes and little else. The analysis has been lacking.

***Fart Noise***

You're right. The condescension directed at Jimmy from Walter stands out in even greater contrast as we get to know him better.

This is fucking horseshit.

Can we just jump to 1939-40 so we can get to something interesting?

Can we just jump to 1939-40 so we can get to something interesting?

It was interesting how quickly Chaz's wife was ready to believe he was a murdering piece of garbage. I mean she spit on him for Pete's sake. Most wives in similar fictional circumstances are immediately thrown into a period of disbelief and misplaced loyalty.

The musical score in the final scenes. Incredible.

Asha/Yara was totally miscast.

It seems like you are holding on to a lot of anger.

Loved the Rambo monologue.

They were just rinsing out pig intestines to make sausages right? Right? THEY WERE JUST RINSING OUT PIG INTESTINES TO MAKE SAUSAGES, RIGHT?

Fuck you History Channel. You're as bad as AMC with the spoilers. Are you so fearful that we, the viewers, won't stay through the commercial break that you are willing to spoil the very next scene? We're already watching the show for god's sake.

It definitely wasn't because the NBC suits are good judges of creativity. A broken clock can be right twice a day.

This show is a damn mess. How does it rate anything above a C+?

A small point. So it's been a year or two since the zombie plague started. That's a year or two of natural selection culling the survivors. The ones that are left should theoretically be complete badasses when it comes to dispatching zombies (Michonne is a good example). So how is it that the group of unknown

Followed by the Alien Resurrection homage when Abed is reborn as a clone.