
Early lines are just -14.5!

The Dolphins have mastered one half of that and are total failures at the other.

No matter how many regimes, owners, coaches, players, etc. come through, the same dysfunctional insanity just keeps on keeping on. 

As a lifelong displaced DolFan myself, I’ll offer a counterpoint to you and CrapCan: I’ve maintained sole loyalty to only Miami and all its done is have me waiting for their games to end so I can watch functional teams play enjoyable brands of football, while everyone around me seems to enjoy a healthier balance of

2019 New York Jets

As a life long Dolphins fan, the Packers resemblance to 90s Marino-led Dolphins teams with total jabronis at the skill positions is uncanny and infuriating.

I... I don't get it 😟😞😟

I IMMEDIATELY thought of "Jugs" FWIW

Will Like Ramsey be in attendance???

Mark Kotsay!

It’s not been the most rewarding fan experience over 25+years to be sure...


“How many contracts are honored by teams through their maximum length and value?

Since when does a 7-year contract mean anything beyond 2-4 years in the NFL. He would’ve restructured or been terminated the instant he was a being paid too much for his production.

Jets-Bills Week 2, Saints-Panthers Week 11, Vikes-Cowboys Week 12, Chiefs-Raiders Week 13 and Giants-Eagles Week 16 were all pretty solid games last year and several others were competitive into the 2nd half... I look forward to these games, personally.

It was worse than mediocre: It was flat-out their most disappointing I can remember. They had a full game 2-game lead in the conference standings with like 6 or 7 to play and crapped it away. That being said, that sentiment has evaporated now. On Wisconsin.

Devil’s Advocate: He also entered the NBA a year younger than Duncan. So, in that sense he is technically a bit ahead of the curve right now?

Sorta a lousy joke.

We didn’t quit calling you that just because you got a new job, Bucko.

Dolphins: Barry Jackson, Miami Herald... Always has scoops and great inside info