
It was indeed!

Big Cat will always be my favorite Rockies player. I loved his game! Huge smile all the time to go along with a gargantuan mitt he used at 1B, and he was a pretty darn good fielder at 1B too.


Oh, absolutely.  We all have every right to be wrong, even you.

It is absolutely priceless every time I see someone so thoroughly prove my original point and yet remain completely oblivious to the fact. LMAO

FFS, let’s stop judging shit from 20 years ago by today’s standards. I see more and more of this nonsense these days from fellow liberals and it’s incredibly lame. Maher actually did a bit about this last week on Real Time, and I think he’s spot on. AB was a great film at the time (whatever we now think of some of

But Donny said all the manufacturing jobs would come back!?!?!?  It is CNN fault!!  MAGA!!   /s

No one really likes him, do they? I mean as far as a majority of any groups? Hell, I think the only majority of a group that likes him is the “I am a victim” delusional white supremacists crowd. It seems to me that even most Rs that vote for him think he’s a clown; they just want SCOTUS seats above all else so they

Yeah. Lol I am using one and I really like it for the convenience. The passes app is fantastic for showing you all kinds of details, making payments, breaking down the rewards, etc. Simple clean interface unlike my other CC company and their ad-infested experience.

I am a die-hard PlayStation fan, but I can’t say enough positive things about this controller from Microsoft. I just love everything about it and the fact that Microsoft is leading the charge in trying to find ways to make gaming more inclusive. Kudos to Microsoft!

All I can say is that photo made me smile after wading through articles about how batshit crazy our POTUS is (just the latest examples). Apparently we can’t use the 25th amendment on him until he does something really crazy like try to buy up all of South America.  Greenland isn’t enough, apparently.

This is hilariously peak Apple and I’m here for it.

Take your star you beautiful bastard.

BattleHawks?!?  Awwhhahhahhhahhaahaaha   WTF!?!?

That thing is fully operational!!!


His Dad was always a bit of an underrated player IMO, but Bo appears to be a straight up star. That smooth swing and the sound the ball makes when he makes contact are just sublime.

Sometimes I forget that there are Xbots out there that still think Microsoft can just “buy Nintendo already”. lol It’s such a hilariously ludicrous idea. If Microsoft bought Nintendo it would no longer be “Nintendo”. In other words, overnight it would be worth a fraction of what they just paid for it (and in the

That’s a fair point!

Sigh. This country is such a fucking cesspool of hatred and racism. I mean, shit, I knew it was still not good on that front.....but I was one of those in 2016 that thought there is no way it is bad enough to elect a fucking racist clown as President. Boy was I wrong. I did my part and voted against the fascists, but