Weirdly Brown Egg

Main trouble area for the Jeep Wrangler appears to be the Jeep Wrangler.

I may be missing something, but I can’t see how old the cars concerned are. I had an XC60 PHEV as a rental and its interior electronics, from the darkest days of the chip crisis, were a hot mess of missing functionality, slow responses, and crashes. A friend has an earlier car and, although the menu system is a bit

Funny, just today I rolled over 59,000 miles in my Volvo XC60 T8 PHEV. Not a single issue in all those years/miles. I suspect this CR “report” is skewed by little complaints like people having a hard time understanding the Infortainmnet system that controls all those “problem areas”. (Admittedly, the Volvo’s

These things print money for GM. And they’ve come a long way, and are pretty damn impressive for what they are. But man, in a world where pedestrian deaths are increasing while polar icecaps and glaciers are rapidly shrinking, I sincerely hope that these represent peak full size BoF SUV and will be the last of their

Yeah... just what I want: heavier, more expensive and more easily damaged wheels that make the ride worse. I miss 16's and all that sidewall. 

Right, because that was the first incident of a car being driven too quickly that lead to a negative result.  Get real dude.

holy shit, a 1969 Dodge Charger fan is an annoying 60-year-old whiner who blames everything he doesn’t like on the namby-pamby east coast liberal elite? now i’ve seen everything

Ok yes I agree in part with you, but this is not some liberal semi facism thing. It’s just selective outrage, and it’s common to both conservatives and liberals, meaning everyone. Don’t try to make it more than it is with your own personal bias. That’s how we become divided on issues we all actually agree on to turn

Bentley needs to be more like Koenigsegg and build a car that’s so slow it only needs a one-speed transmission. Very irresponsible.

“Alleged Clownfart” please

I hope he loses. I hope he falls is a vat of mule semen.

He is Drive Tribe Richards Hammond

Relax, it is completely allowed and legal. Sometimes a necessity due to illness or family emergency. Do you want to deprive families of this important service?

But I’m sure Fox has been shouting it from the rooftops!  No?  Is that not the case?

But there was a good management plan. They did balance conservation and access. They just didn’t do it to the exact amount or ratio that you wanted. It’s not about what you want. If they hadn’t balanced conservation and access, you’d have a helluva lot more than 317 miles closed. Sure, it sucks not being able to go on

I love it that you don’t do a public consult “because the public doesn’t have anything to add to the process.” That sums it up. Let experts and people that rely on science make the decision and it if screws up someone’s “fun”, tough.

If there is solid, science backed, evidence identifying a need to close those routes to allow the area to recover (and I’m sure there is - these types of decisions, as much as people like to complain, aren’t made in a vacuum), then the off-roading community can deal with it. The whole hobby revolves around taking

Fair point....god help us if Gaetz gets his hands on a RZR.