
Interesting. If you look at some of the smaller lingerie companies that sell mostly online (and growing), their marketing is so much different. It’s models of different sizes, ages, race, orientation, ability, instead of some overly sexy white model who’s tits are being painfully pushed up.  I’d say that more

Too fucking late I think. I stopped buying from Victoria’s Secret at about 2007. Bras that fit were upwards of $40 and in the sale bin, good fucking luck trying to find your size. I switched to Aerie and I couldn’t be happier not only in terms of fit but also price. 

Victoria Secret is the Applebees of undergarments. There are better options in every dimension, but force of habit and ubiquity have kept them alive long after the sun has set on the mall era they thrived in.

Vicky’s secret has XXL items...bullcrap. The highest I’ve seen is XL and its less than a 10th of the catalog. Shoot just finding 38B items are a pain...just wish I could find a swap out for the bombshell bra the racer back ones were actually pretty comfortable. Besides,  half their issue is the specialty sizing any

Just remind the RWNJs that at least she isn’t in physical therapy like the cops the trumpers attacked.

One would think the police would have identified themselves.  She might not have come out even then; anyone can say they’re the police, but not identifying themselves as police is a BIG hole when they’re looking for terrified people.

I’d be happy with pariah. 

Good on her for admitting something her enemies will certainly try to exploit. Shows great strength and confidence that she’s placing her health above that and signaling it’s OK to get mental health help.

I was hoping jail. It just goes to show my prison abolitionist views have their limits. lol

MTG doesn’t need therapy. She is just a bad person who likes to do cruel things and therapy can’t fix people like that.

Yup. I expect Cruz to stick his foot in his mouth on Twitter, and then hopefully get schooled by a bunch of military vets who have experience with PTSD, and then...babble something about Russian ubermensch or whatever bullshit he’s on about these days.

I’m sure Crossfit Psycho will be doubling down her harassment campaign ASAP.

You beat me to this comment.  I’m sure she’ll be inundated with right-wingers trolling her with hate while their own lives are in shambles for following Cheetolini.  

What will also not be surprising (unfortunately so): right-wingers calling her “weak” for it.

The most surprising thing to me is that she had been slowing down on therapy prior to the riots. She's spent years being despised by Congressional Democrats for reminding us that hey, maybe we should expect a little more from them, being performatively hated by all Republican politicians because a boogyman is way

Yep. That whole scenario is just absolutely terrifying. Even before the cops started barking at her themselves.

Not surprising (though still sad). Good on her for getting help and being open about it.

As a woman with coarse/curly hair EVERYWHERE, I’m pretty sure if I tried this level of waxing my crotch would eventually resemble a hyper-pigmented angry scrub brush.

They can also read Jezebel’s coverage of Dov Charney.  His dirtbaggery is well known ‘round these parts.

Everyone needs to listen to the podcast The Flameout and learn all about the founder of Los Angeles Apparel, and why he was forced out of American Apparel. The guy is an absolute misogynist monster and nobody should be surprised that his company would market bathing suits that barely cover a vulva.