
I am very familiar with challenges that come with PTSD, but I at least wear pants around my nephew, damnit

Goddamn Y’allqaeda!  Fuck these chiselers and their extremist zealotry

Sharia’ Law strikes again!

There’s just so much here. Part of the reason this situation feels so odd and unprecedented is because, as the letter alludes to, this is an extremely nuanced situation that is being handled in the court of public opinion- a court that is famously bad at handling nuance.

I used to be a New Orleans Health Department paramedic. This is completely unsurprising behavior. I can’t count the number of times I was asked “come have a quick look at someone” NOPD had worked over just because they felt like it. The overwhelming majority of white cops I dealt with there were overtly racist, and

New Orleans Police have arrested two of their own for allegedly jumping a Latino man early Tuesday morning outside a bar.

BBC is known for pounding its subjects hard and at great length

A Police Lineup

Who speaks in complete sentences, and takes time to think about what he’s saying.

*sigh* I miss having a President who’s coherent and seems mostly, kinda like a sort of good dude.

the latest trailer really shows off just how much of a modern-day vibe it’s going for

Try pausing your ad blocker. 

Try pausing your ad blocker. 

Right. I’m caught between “I better scroll down fast”  and “Damn Ri, dem titties looking good”

Anne, that header is dangerous.

Finally! Also, Eva was better than the twins on that show and she should have won, tbh.

“why would they change math? math is math, MATH IS MATH!!”


The entire little league that my sons are in wears the longer pants these days. Largely because it’s what the league hands out. My son, while watching MLB games and specifically a Cubs game, asked me why Baez wears the knickers. He said he wanted them. I obliged because damnitall they look better.

Hija de su pinche madre, que se vaya a la verga.