
It’s totally playable solo, at least the campaigns. That said, even coming from a former solo player, the most fun I’ve had has been running with a fireteam. If you don’t have any friends playing it just head over to r/fireteams and post, that’s how I started.

I had preordered the Complete Collection just for this. Had a real quick chat with them earlier today to cancel it and preorder only the Forsaken digital deluxe. 

Both CoO and Warmind are 50% off right now.

Isn’t that just Hobby Lobby? MIL made me go there a few weeks ago and it had every single holiday and season on display.

The 19-year-old white woman of Puerto Rican heritage, who uses the name “Bella”...

Even Molina himself would say that 100% of the times you asked him.

Oh come on, man. Cultural differences.

Idk man, at least my feathery friend didn’t dodge the draft. He’s doing his best to overcome his PTSD and take care of his nephews and shit, at least put some respect there.

And they’re surprisingly good from what I’ve seen at my friend’s place. Might have to find an even better comparison but I’m drawing a blank.

WTF did Donald motherfucking Duck ever do to you to put him that low? 

The loading screens are exactly the reason I dropped Battle Chasers less than an hour into it. Loved the art style, could’ve got into the battle style even if I didn’t like the randomized aspect of the dungeons, but the almost 2 min long loading screens killed off any hype I had before I could get invested in the game.

That’s... not a 10-year-old’s face right?

I would be a patron for life.

They still sell them in Puerto Rico! Except the one you call “French” is the “American” and the “Swiss” is the “French” down there. I miss it...

My boi Arcanine!

Yes and thank you!

Says old *rich* man. There’s the distinction. And fuck him.

Did anyone else notice the difference in grammar/eloquence/structure/just all around well written comments between the all the shit comments and the two good ones? Amazing what being a good person does to your brain that helps you articulate your arguments better.