
The Nightmare Beta is your slinger when it’s loaded.

As a Puerto Rican, I un-claim her. Like damn girl, we’re getting enough shit without you acting like this.

Don’t scare me like this! My feed cut the title after “... The Root...” and I panicked.

I’m gonna give you a star for the sole reason that you’re the first person I’ve seen in over a year (including in my workplace) to use “intents and purposes” correctly.

But that final sequence set to Book of Love is so good... That’s a perfect ending.

I look forward to tomorrow’s Clapback Mailbag. This is going to be good.

Damn you always write the best stingers at the end of your articles!

Uh, sorry if this has been mentioned already but... why is it that people like this always look way older than they are? 25? Shit, I thought she was older than me, and I’m 32!

I have the box next to me, taunting me... I can’t deal with this.

Shit man, that’s not fair. Poor man hasn’t even dipped his toe in the water and you wanna throw him into the damn Mariana Trench?

Disappointed a story about the NBA and wine doesn’t mention Boris Diaw.

Can’t wait!

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 because I barely have access to my tv (living with 3 ladies will do that). If by some miracle I can touch my PS4 controller though, I’ll be huntin’ monsters boi (still don’t know sh*t of what I’m doing though)!

I have them all within less than a mile of my apartment. I feel like I should be hugging you, poor soul.

My mom’s still without power, water only 4 days a week. Shit’s fucked man...

They come now in kids sizes! (Yeah, late.)

They come now in kids sizes! (Yeah, late.)

They come now in kids sizes! (Yeah, late.)

They come now in kids sizes! (Yeah, late.)

That’s why he used the plural “women” to the singular “man”...

Why am I not surprised it’s Hufflepuff?

F banana chips. Plantain chips on the other hand...