
Now mix them up with a bit of black pepper and garlic. YUM.


As much as I want to read this, I really want to wait till I have the book in my hands. I’ve got faith in you.


Was coming here to see this. Thanks for not disappointing me.

Actually 404'd.

Waaay sold out.

An off-screen Winston put a barrier where the enemy Widowmaker was, thus shielding her from Mei’s popcicles. Mei then used her ice wall to lift the Widow over the barrier and proceeded to make a sno-cone out of her.

Another song with Baby on the title! Seriously, Baby gets all the best songs.

I feel you man...

I used to work for the Death Star. Trust me, that cleavage would lead to record-breaking sales in no time.

This is what gets me out of the greys? ... I’ll allow it!

OH she’s gonna get some nuts alright.

Ummm... Wow.

They already did.


should have or should’ve*

Come on man. Don’t compare that orange turdmuffin to us!


I just turned 30. My financial situation only recently became good enough that I can afford to look after myself. Took a sleep study, looks like my oxygen levels drop as low as 51% while sleeping. Thankfully I have my fitting appointment this week and will start getting better sleep. Everyone, please, look after