
I wish I was out there in the background though...

Hey Beth, maybe I’m missing something but nowhere in the referenced article it says that iZombie was already renewed. If you got independent confirmation could you please link it?

Man, Idk why I just read this and it opened up a whole new wound.

Virgin coquito is pretty good too.

Edgar Martinez. Please. That is all.

I did my part to compensate my gf. Saw the Gilmore Girls revival, Lights Out and Don’t Breathe (I HATE horror movies, she loves them). I explained to her my love for the series and even showed her Kingsglaive and Brotherhood. So, I’m pretty sure she’s ready to lose me for the next few days (good thing she’s working

Funny, while I don’t get ABC/NBC/Fox, Vue recently added CBS to my lineup. Seattle area, if it means anything.

That’s some high praise man...

So, if it was actually being curated by people... then it was not ‘false Gizmodo stories’, right? Am I taking crazy pills?

In a fricase made by the uncle who was supposed to take care of the goat who kept you fed as a little baby because you were allergic to all baby formulas and shit. And when you ask him if you can see the goat he asks you if you liked your food, cuz that’s her.... Sorry, have to go pee on my uncle’s grave.

I’ll be playing... nothing. Gf just moved in so we’re still adjusting and settling in. I kinda miss my Destiny fireteam though.

Seems like something right up my alley then!


Destiny. Again and again. I can’t believe I used to make fun of people who only played it, yet here I am 4 months into my tenure and I’ve already played it more than any other game I’ve had since getting my PS4 (day 1 owner).

I see what you did there sir. Good one.


What are the chances of doing this with an NBA team? And, if so, which team would you do? My day will be a whole lot emptier without this series.

Beachum, not Meechum.

Two out of three times, guaranteed.

She.... is not. Have fun.