
The weekend will be spent between working towards more loot boxes in Overwatch (seriously, this game is crack) and getting to know the gang in Fire Emblem Awakening (after FINALLY getting my New 3DS with sick faceplates). Also stuffing my face with grilled brats and steaks by the pool, you know, normal stuff.

Duuuude. Same.

I will join the legion and start praising the sun. Any tips? Besides Git Gud, I mean.

Bit of The Division, bit of Destiny, a whole heaping of Ratchet and Clank and finish it off watching the GoT premiere downing mojitos with the pals.

Uhh I think this game was post-dual shock era, or am I missing something?

I remember watching him play back in PR. Dude’s been a beast since he was a little kid.

Mah Gawd, is Isaac doing the Ex Machina scene dance in a rebel uniform??

I think you mean Joe Girardi there bub.

Underrated comment right here.

Thankfully they kinda fixed it in the comics. May probably even come into play in the next game, hopefully.

The Division hopefully all weekend after I leave work at 4pm tomorrow. Finally finished Assassin’s Creed Syndicate and Tomb Raider, so maybe will start Rise of the Tomb Raider if I ever need to take a break or the servers go down.

Hopefully will finally finish Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition. After that, start either Rise of the Tomb Raider or Dishonored Definitive Edition. Whichever one I choose, hopefully I’ll finish it by The Division’s release.

Good Kinja.

And now we KNOW he does.

It’s on Netflix.

Oh totally. When it snowed a few weeks ago I almost lost it. Sure, it was partly the whole “Holy shit, snow!!!” freak-out from seeing it for the first time in your life, but also it’s just a plain-old hassle.

Yeah. Having moved from the tropic, the dampness and gloom is getting to me.

I’d love to hear the Spanish announcer’s reaction on this one.