
Saw it last night. All grown ups in the theater and not a single dry eye left at the end. Magnificent movie and a theme that strikes real close to all of us. Can only hope I’ll get to see it with my niece when she grows iup and she loves it as much as I did.

I had a ‘96 Nissan Pathfinder handed down from my dad to my mom and to me when I started college. I ended up selling it in 2012 with 298k miles. Loved that one...

I think it was the Final Fantasy VII one. Huge mistakes and horrible binding, they had to reissue it IIRC.

Joe Rogan.

P5 is coming to PS4 too, or do you mean you don't want to lose access to your current library?

Got mine today in Barceloneta at around 3:30.

That's exactly my favorite feature! Spanish, English and French, all at the same time mid-sentence and the app doesn't even bat an eye.

If any of you guys really like this, come to Puerto Rico. The Double Down's a regular item in KFC menus here, for better or worse...

Not in a million years.

What's more, 20 states are supposedly "on the pathway toward achieving" compliance: Arkansas, California, District of Columbia, Guam, Idaho, Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, U.S. Virgin Islands,

I'll be honest, I only picked up DQVIII because of the FFXII demo in it (yeah, I know, kill me now). But oh what an amazing game it was. Ranked in my top 10 games of all time (FFXII not even near the top 100), this game has it all: visuals, music, characters, and that world map... Just breathtaking. Please port it to

You HAD to mention Skies of Arcadia, didn't you? YOU MONSTER! I miss Vyse and Aika and Fina...

Oh God yes!! And is it me or Rose got some Bad Wolf eyes there in one scene?!?!?

So uh... Is Puerto Rico counted as part of the US here? Cuz I can't find it...

Yeah, me too, funny huh? Considering some of the other girls are... less clothed.

I really like GroupMe, started using it when it was featured on Gizmodo a few years back and couldn't imagine switching, since it lets me text people without the app and send pictures and all. If there was another app that worked like it I may give it a chance, until then I'm all in.

Thanks Mike for reviewing this game. It's my first Tales game after Phantasia and I'm loving it so far. Any recommendations as to other Tales games? I'm biding my time until Symphonia Chronicles drops.

Increased thousandfold and crashed the system...

Rachel Bilson, Kristin Kreuk and Jordana Brewster too!

If you use Chrome just add the Proxtube extension, it's a godsend.