badder porkchop

He brought his own bald eagle custard, natch.

Weird times at FoxNews...

You would expect someone who still likes Trump to go beyond the large number on his tweet?

Oh Donny...that poll is NOT something you want people looking at....

This is a good stance. Sure, it sucks that Stewart (and probably many others in the comedy world) didn’t care to believe this. But I’m not going to condemn Stewart for not investigating these stories about his friend. I’ll give him some credit for not trying to defend him at all now and at least acknowledging he


I understand that Deadspin has a sorted past of posting dong shots, but I think they’re consistently the best of the neo-Gawker sites as far as journalism goes. In between posts about bears and dogs (WHO ARE BOTH VERY GOOD AND COOL, don’t get me wrong), Deadspin has some seriously great investigative pieces and real

That’s so cute. But then why is he seemingly so mean and weird to her whenever she says this stuff irl? His behavior confuses me.

Yes! I’ve re-watched The Office a lot over the years and my conclusion is that Jim is a bully who uses his ‘aw shucks’ looks to get out of shit. And the actor made a conscious decision to star in that fucking Benghazi movie FFS.

No, no, he gave them the house key, they just walk right in.

Mueller has them. GOP legislators threatened Mueller if he looked into “old real estate dealings.”

Now playing

I can see him chewing on the drywall now.

Four times in a row. This calls for a celebration cake.

Look, these are just two sides of the same coin.

“White Identity Extremists”?

I can tell you right now you won’t hear from the Governor’s Office.

How long before right-wing talk radio starts saying all those miscarried babies were actually fetal crisis actors?

This whole concern trolling by Trump for the rust belt and manufacturing can be summed up in two words: Wilbur Ross. The commerce secretary, who’s a fake billionaire, btw, spent the 1980s though the mid aughts gutting textiles, steel, auto parts and engineered materials and sent it the China. Hell, entire

And there it is folks: the “both sides” argument from the non scientist who won’t bother to listen to the 97% of climatologists that are saying climate change is real, it’s caused by humans, and it’s going to cause a lot of damage and deaths in the near future.

Great to see the voices who complain they are being silenced now silencing the voices of the ones they claim were doing the silencing.