badder porkchop

If he weren’t famous, and if he had no public persona, and you saw him walking down the sidewalk, you’d probably give him a glance.

It takes more than a dick to make a gorgeous man

“Yes, he is a gorgeous man.”

I like it.

I suggest switching it up by using fuck this cunt.

Sarah can arrest, detain, deport and effectively disappear the most vulnerable but for gawdsakes let her eat an upscale meal in peace.

I don’t know how many times and how many ways I can possibly say “Fuck this bitch,” but fuck this bitch. She wasn’t “harmed” by being refused service for enabling fascism and telling lies for a living. They are advancing their nazi agenda, and moving right along at an ambitious pace. Their goal is to strip non-whites

Cards Against Humility 

Alternate title:  Apples to Assholes.

Cards Really Really Really Against Humanity

If a democrat sits by silently or tries to engage with civil conversation: Spineless Liberals.

Yes, that tweet is exactly it. Remember: when black people got angry in the streets there were calls for them to protest more peacefully. But when NFL players quietly demonstrated off camera before the actual event the response was “...err but not like that”.

Paraphrasing Rogen: These kids are going to have to recognize that if there is a movie or peice of art they like - chances are the artist who created it hates their dads guts.

I’m really not looking forward to another recession, because I’m already pretty fucking broke and 2008 was VERY hard for me and people like me. 

They’re trying to deflect, as well as to make this difficult when it’s not.

The frightening thing is that the people who are predicting the recession are the people who wanted the market to move in this tax-free-wonderland for the ultra wealthy. Like they’ve shot themselves in the foot knowing they’d be crippled for it, but said fuck it for the short term benefits.

Megyn Kelly and the rest of those in power need to understand that one can only be punched in the gut so many times before the individual realizes they’re being punched in the gut maliciously, and not getting an ab workout for personal health and safety.

“Why can’t you choose enlightenment and love and light and go towards that?”

I’m at a conference in Pittsburgh and I couldn’t attend my morning sessions because I couldn’t stop crying. What happens when it’s too expensive to continue housing them? What are they going to do to these children? How do we safely get them out?