
Great Whacking Material. Thanks, Will.

How about combo oral history of Empty Nest and Being Joe Isuzu?

I basically agree with you, but the writers will compensate for a lot of that. And in political interviews, being an outsider might even be a help.

It's a new viral marketing promo for Quaaidludes.

He's been waiting five years for the right moment to unveil it on an unsuspecting world.

I liked the theme song. It was pretty much downhill after that.

These things tend to sort themselves out in a fairly predictable way. You introduce a Puerto Rican Spiderman, you get some good publicity, everyone gets to feel better about themselves for awhile, the comics don't sell very well, and then they hit the reset button and everything goes back to the way it was.

I happen to have been around "in its time," and 2001 was hugely popular, especially among college students and young adults, and almost immediately became a cultural touchstone. And it wasn't just because of Stanley Kubrick, although if Kubrick hadn't been at the helm the movie might well have turned into Plan 9 From…

Excellent! You kids and the Internet make gumshoeing seem so easy.

I hope that Mike V. was kidding when he said that it is not widely known that The Sound of Music was based on a true story. I honestly couldn't tell whether he was being serious or not.

Well, you absolutely have to track down Mike O'Malley now.

Tommy, how many times do I have to tell you to put down that god-damn snow globe?

What have the Romans ever done for us?

And I would substitute Abbey Road for Sgt. Pepper or Rubber Soul, so there.

The War Room.

He only came close to giving Stephen Fry an orgasm…

So he failed even at that?

Judy Greer and Kenny Loggins killed their duet of Danger Zone. They could just loop that and I would be OK with it.

Thank god we finally have our lead actress for The Heather Graham Story.

You can get a bit of sneak preview of Elvis in Here Comes Everybody, a better than average musical bio about the ever-so-great Pogues.