
If you can strangle people and toss spaceships around with a mere thought, why do you need a lightsaber?

Spike's grand romantic gesture to the unfaithful Dru:

To be fair, you can't really blame Sting or The Police for the idiotic newlyweds who misinterpret Every Breath You Take.

Uh, I would like to see a regional map of the country's favorite swear words.

Has anyone mentioned Mick Jagger's tendency (hilariously covered by Keith Richards in his autobiography) to go to concerts and then wake up the next day to write a "new" song that was, in fact, a blatant ripoff of a song that he had heard the night before?

Any chance he might regret those tattoos someday?

I don't care what anyone says— I like Shiny, Happy, People, and I will never, ever understand the hate for this song.

This wouldn't even make a decent 5 minute SNL skit.


My wife and I loved this show, and still toss quotes back and forth every now and then. Being a mess was part of its charm.

Sorry— I should have just said Joss Whedon, rather than trying to be cute about it.

I'm with Mike Vago. I wish that Firefly boy had been more interested in rebooting Star Trek than giving a further boost to the already healthy and wealthy Marvel universe.

After reading the review, I know a whole lot more about Kyle Fowle, and a little bit more about Iliza Schlesinger, but I have no idea whether she is funny or not.

Goldfish are the only item on their list that I actually like. Salt/Vinegar Potato Chips and Cheez-Its are OK, I guess. The rest of that stuff is awful.

Or call more ladies…

It is (or at least was) certainly true in Spain. I was there for my year abroad, and it would routinely gross people out when I found a precious jar of all-natural crunchy and ate it with my usual gusto. They didn't seem to mind the smell, but they were viscerally repulsed by the idea. I never could convince anyone

I haven't seen any mention of the two most obvious references (to me) in his send-off:

I am defined by my job and am looking forward to many happy years in a retirement home. My only regret: no uniform.

I love South Park as a rule, but Mr. Hankey is just gross and unfunny. Sorry to be the Hankey in the Christmas punchbowl, but I wish that he had never been born. Now there's a Christmas story for you.

Harry Potter and the Bris of Fire