
I was really lucky and found a bunch of size 16 patterns from the 1960’s. Uncut! Got a nice sized pack of them for $.49.

If we assume a medieval basis for rape in the books and series, it may be of some use to see how the act was looked on in those times. <somewhat graphic>

“Andreas Capellanus gives a startling description of what one should do if this feeling of amor strikes where a peasant is the object: “If you should, by some chance,

Quick reminder, because it’s the internet: it’s totally okay to still like A Song of Ice and Fire, and it’s still okay to like Game of Thrones. No one is saying that you need to stop reading or watching. It’s okay to like things that have problematic elements, even when it’s as problematic as mishandling something

I may be a “carb face,” but at least I don’t design day-glo acid trip reject fabric sacks.

I'm rooting for Sansa to snap and rally her friends in the north, going on a murderous rampage killing all the Boltons. Doesn't seem likely but that's what I want.

“Sanya,” I said. “Who did I get cast as?”

Let me tell you about what life is like as a fat sexworker. My job involves sharing photos of myself as a strong, sexy, sexual woman, in varying degrees of undress. It involves me setting a figure - a not inexpensive one, either - on what I feel access to my body is worth.

This, for a myriad of reasons, makes some men

Yep, pretty much. And after they hop on that Holy Spaceship, we Jews, whom they love so much, get to be swept into the Lake of Fire™ and tortured for eternity. I mean, that’s totally how you treat your BFFs, right?

“[The trip] will create a foundational platform from which they can become goodwill ambassadors for Israel and the Jewish people, and the Covenant Journey participants will never be the same.”

The Evangelicrazies don’t give a rats ass about Jewish people. They just want to be sure when the Rapture happens, they’re in Israel ready to be allowed on the Holy Spaceship to Heaven.

yo, a lilly dress with a nascar jacket over top, on a fat woman, sounds HELLA COOL

I assume it’s the tone of the people quoted. It’s insanely condescending and out of touch.

After clicking that link I’m ready to launch the proletariat revolution, who’s with me

It's in memory of her husband Khal Drogo, who she formed a strong love for after a while.

All I have to say is -

I toggle between having "Pinot Noir, midsize car" and the theme song ("They're alive, damn it! It's a miracle!") playing in my head constantly.

What would most likely happen to me in such a scenario.

That guy is Charlea Napier, and he was my Dad. I always loved watching this role on VHS and he would like to play thia song in his study that we built onto the side of our house. We lived way up in the mountains and I was always interested in NASA and Star Trek because we could see the entire milky way with no light