
So...because I admit I am a lifelong fan of one sport and do not feel the need to regularly support a magazine that cannot erase a history of objectifying women for profit with the recognition of one feminist icon, I am immediately an “disqualified” from having an opinion?

Look, all respect to Serena Williams, but American Pharoah is not “some damn horse”. He is an (albeit non-human) athlete who accomplished something that has never been done before in his sport —he won both the Triple Crown and Breeder’s Cup Classic, on top of dominating performances on both coasts over his entire

Shop-Teacher, let me guess: Charleston, IL?

Question: what about the baby? Edith finds Enola’s pictures, and they include pics of a baby. Later, when we meet Enola’s ghost, she holds a baby. But when Edith accuses Lucille of killing both Enola and the baby, Lucille claims she did no such thing, that there was no baby because Thomas did not sleep with any of his

If you think this stuff looks bad on pencil-thin models, just imagine how fugly the curvy women’s versions will be. My plus-size body does not need flairs. It has built-in ones, thankyouverymuch.

Hoping this story gets me out of the grey for good (some names changed to protect the innocent and departed):

That was my first thought. If Cosmo’s nearly-naked covers are too much, so are the covers of a variety of fitness and “lad mags”.

There are some similar stories in my mother’s family. Her great-grandparents disappear from every record I can track down sometime around 1892. They are there in the 1890 census and in a town record in 1891...then the 1900 census, their sons are listed as orphans living with various relatives. Have not been

But, isn’t that what Jett’s statement basically says? Other than the part about being “fucked up at the time”? She said she does not remember the incident, politely describes how screwed up the band’s situation was, and wishes peace and healing to Fuchs. If I’m reading this badly please let me know.

My farm-raised Dad and his siblings would name the animals they raised for 4-H, but they used names that reminded them of the animal’s ultimate fate. For instance, one of my uncles won a county fair blue ribbon with a pig named “Bacon”. Dad raised a steer referred to as “Roast”.

As someone who converted to Judaism about 6 years ago, the way they ended Cindy’s storyline in the last ep meant a lot to me. Really, I was crying with her. The rabbis at my beit din asked me the same question, and my answer was pretty close to the one the character gave. Here’s hoping Tova Cindy will fine new ways to

That was my first question. Ghost is at Castle Black in Jon’s quarters. I find it hard to believe he would not have charged in at the first stab. ITB, if I remember correctly, Ghost is right there, but is attacked to keep him from defending Jon Snow.

It shows an important difference between Stannis and Dany. Stannis is willing to sacrifice his own beloved child. Dany is not.

Can I just say, I have seen “Testament of Youth” and it is incredible. Kit Harington actually smiled a few times. And I cried a few times. If you see it, bring tissues.

Dear world,

I am a Jew with some close friends who lived Orthodox for a time. Usually, dating is limited to 3 supervised dates before the couple must decide if they want to get married or not. That’s it. Once the marriage is agreed to, they can go on dates in large, well-populated public spaces. These are sometimes called

I’ve been waiting for someone to bring this up. Honestly, I thought it was going to be some Jewish community pointing out that, under certain circumstances, ultra-restrictive anti-abortion laws can conflict with some interpretations of Jewish law. But, hey, whatever gets the job done. Hail Satan!

I remember seeing a photo of a woman in the British Raj riding sidesaddle...over show jumps...while holding a parasol over her head. Now that is what I call "multi tasking".

Made me cry because that is how I felt after one of my best friends suddenly died last year. After the funeral I sat on the couch in the apartment I shared with him and his wife and said out loud, "He isn't in that cemetery. He is at the doctor or someplace, and he's waiting for me to come pick him up. But I don't

The name "Drogon" is in honor of Drogo, the late husband of Daenerys.