
One of my friends already is referring to my pet birds as my "lap chickens". Wonderful!

It's still my hope that the old Waukegan, IL, Carnegie library that Bradbury used as a child will be transformed into the Ray Bradbury Museum. That building was saved from the wrecking ball years ago, but it is not open to the public and currently is empty. Many items from Bradbury's home and private library were sent

"The Dark Lady of DNA": Dr. Rosalind Franklin. We can't get her a Nobel Prize, but we can get her an awesome biopic.

I really enjoyed "The Grand Budapest Hotel". It is quirky and helped me laugh at a time I sorely needed it.

My green-cheeked conure purrs all the time. One very contented parrot, he is.

Wonderful. Reminds me of the scene from "The Year Without a Santa Claus" when Heat Miser and Snow Miser get verbally slapped by Mother Nature.

Is it wrong that I like flask bangle and long to add it to my office ensemble?

Are we really sure this guy isn't a rabbi pulling the greatest prank of all time? Because what he stated is pretty much the view of mainstream Judaism.

As an experienced kinkster, I am so glad you wrote this piece. I am a submissive, and I have been approached by fake doms whose approach was similar to that of Mr. Ghomeshi. I send them on their way. A true BDSM relationship is empowering to all the people involved—both the dominant and the submissive. Mr. Ghomeshi

Confession time: I follow tiara boards on Pinterest.

As someone who works at a catalog company that handles a lot of licensed merchandise, I can assure that this is true:

You mean the one where his character constantly hints at how he cannot wait to marry his fiancee, and it is strongly suggested he is focused on the wedding night? Winkwink. Nudgenudge.

Not sure if that is a joke I have not heard, but it sounds like part of the poem/song "The Battle of Copenhagen":

"Last night was the annual meeting of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Phyllis Schlafly Chapter Miss America pageant."

I like "Hurt Reynolds". Upholds the punning tradition of noms de derby with some fun retro 'stache flair.

Holy Etsy fail, Batman!

Interesting question. I am a woman, and I like the Stannis, Sansa, and Arya/Whatever Her Name Is Today chapters. The Jon Snow ones have been boring, and Dany became a tiring after a bit, but the end of "Dance" indicated both may be taking an exciting turn. I think I like the Stannis, Sansa, and Arya chapters because

My boyfriend refuses to believe that movie exists.

Oh yes. Because what we need now is another film that paints Jews to be less than human.