
My roomie and I are occasional costumers with soft spots for the Late Victorian-Edwardian periods. We both agree with your assessment of the women's costumes. Most of the dresses (esp. the bodice lines) were all wrong. What's more, it seemed a hodgepodge of styles that did not happen at the same time. It can be easy

It is one hell of a mic drop. No argument there.

It is one hell of a mic drop. No argument there.

I took the question of what form of English would have been spoken at the Roanoke Colony to the e-mail discussion board for my Society for Creative Anachronism kingdom (Yes, I am an SCA re-enactor, as well as a former English lit student and armchair historian.) In the discussion that followed, which included a woman

As a person with an unusual name spelling, the preview at the end with Aimee Mann was the funniest part.

Love that photo! My roomie and I watch "Ancient Aliens" and it has become a running joke between us how the interviewed researchers are perfectly happy to believe EVERY ancient alien theory. The enabling voiceovers make it great. "Could a race of aliens have come to Earth and created the pyramids as a viral


Well that does suck. It's sad when a relationship of any kind ends, and even worse when you think you are not getting the complete story as to why. Been there, done that, donated the T-shirt to Goodwill in hopes something positive could come out of it.

Zeus, I'm sorry to hear you are being treated this way by a friend. Like the article's author, I am tempted to wonder if there is not something else going on. Hopefully, the other person will be a real friend and adult and communicate with you about whatever it is soon.

I may steal "Pulsating Spinster Star" as the name for my next etsy storefront.

As a seamstress I just found it so interesting that they not only used antique pants as his costume but then tried to wash them. Of course they shrank! The poor guy and his still lovely, lovely butt!

I think Nathan's awareness about his weight dates to his days on "Firefly". There was an on-screen joke about the fit of Nathan's costume—specifically, the pants. Other characters teased his by calling him "Captain Tight Pants". When viewed in production order, the costume does get progressively smaller. Later, the

That's why I have not given up on it yet. Hopefully, once the regular writing crew was put in they were able to settle down and see to the little things. There are a lot of ways this show can be exciting and fun. Maybe it could even bring up some of the crazy, little-known stuff about the Revolution, like George

Yes, Ichabod did use the period-correct pronunciation of Abbie's rank. Unfortunately, that was one of the script's few run-ins with responsible writing.

I have a Puritan ancestor from early 1700s Massachusetts whose maiden name was Thankful Bodfish. No, seriously!

Also, without World War II, there is a good chance the state of Israel would never have been created. That spreads the timeline disruption to the Middle East.

Excellent point Mr. Nixon. Save some of that cheese for me.

(For the record, as a size 16/18, I am what most clothing maker call a plus-size woman. I have been "big" most of my life, as have my mother and sister. Also, I am employed in advertising and do work in the clothing industry.)

It may have seemed like a "spite kill" but that was not the circumstance. All the actors originally signed contracts with options for only 3 seasons ("series" in Britain) Dan Stevens (as well as Jessica Brown-Findlay) simply decided not to sign a new contract for a fourth season. While Julian Fellowes knew about

I must disagree a little here. I liked that Zoidberg was given a happy ending. And I think the relationship between Bender and Tonya works in context.