
Absolutely. He is a fantastic, creative person who really understands that fashion should be an accessible form of art that everyone should be able to take part in. He gets it.

I second that for my Jewish ass.

Tesla loved pigeons. Sure, he was a mad scientist at the end, but still...

You have the districts switched. District 1 produces luxury goods for the Capitol. District 4 is the fishing region.

I second dumping the word "wedding" while shopping for items for this event. A survey I read a few months ago indicated that storekeepers sometimes automatically jack up prices once that word is uttered. Just describe it as a "special occasion", "big party", or you are looking for a "special gift".

I am a US 42G, and I also must fold/tuck when I put on a bra. My breasts are long, with a lot of weight at the nipple ends, like pendulums. My gentleman friend says they have a "spring" action when I take my bra off"

People, we are forgetting the topic of real importance here. Persian turquoise! Ooooooo!

The current issue of Spin-Off magazine (Summer 2013) has an article about the design and creation of the original shawl for Prince William. The article is titled "Handspun Lace for a Prince". All the wool was hand spun from Australian sheep, and the lace was knitted by hand. (My copy is at home, and those are all the

1. Sherry West has a history of insurance fraud.

I am 36 and I WAS Daria (practically). Honestly, I should have gotten a writing credit vis a vis my journal.

Which daytime talk show will fix me? Depends. If H2 runs a marathon of its often unintentionally hilarious "Ancient Aliens" show, and some of the episodes are on in the afternoon, does that count as a daytime talk show?

Yes, well, that is a logical conclusion. But who ever said things like "logic", "common sense" and "hard facts" had a place in contemporary politics?

Rebound, I understand what you are saying. I am 36, female, never married and in the Midwest. My friends paired, married and started having kids. Now, some have started divorcing. I also have been told—sometimes bluntly, sometimes more kindly—by men that, in their opinion, once a woman hits her 30s, she is out of the

Tribal adoption of white people does sometimes happen. A dear friend was brought into a branch of the Navajo while working in law enforcement near the border of their nation in New Mexico. Then (as now), people frequently tried to flee from police by crossing the reservation line. He did liaison work with the

Tribal adoption of white people does sometimes happen. A dear friend was brought into a branch of the Navajo while working in law enforcement near the border of their nation in New Mexico. Then (as now), people frequently tried to flee from police by crossing the reservation line. He did liaison work with the

Well, I know who will be the woman of valor profiled during the Miriam's cup section of my seder next year.

Absolutely! I sometimes do a Tudor-era persona, but even then I would not wear the full-historical 5-layer woman's court outfit of that period in summer. No thanks, m'lord!

Actually, "hundreds of women" is not an exaggeration. While doing research for their book They Fought Like Demons: Women Soldiers in the Civil War, DeAnne Blanton and Lauren Cook combed through federal and confederate records, pension documents, and personal letters, and they found approx. 240 distinct, individual

This is why this history buff is a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism. Over 600 years and half the globe to re-enact, no repeating the same battles over and over, and the "creative" part means we can take showers daily during our events. Many groups even own set-ups that allow heated showers. We also use

I thought the credits was one incredible because it showed WALL-E and EVE becoming a kind of foundation legend for the new age of civilization on Earth.