
LOVE the drop spindle with Aurora. I am a spinner and SCA re-enactor, and that is the perfect touch. Just hope I can afford the print!

Yeah, Boba gave the sarlac pit a try. Not the happy ending he was hoping for.

"Sugar Twat" is my new e-book erotica pen name.

I hold a journalism degree and for a time was a reporter. I also consider myself a feminist. My guess at WHY the reporter was there:

Just wanted to show appreciation for a shout-out to my Midwestern Jewish homegirl, whom should I have a daughter, I will name such child after :).

Agreed. The woman is 56. Once a woman hits her hits her 40s, it gets extremely hard to lose a lot of weight. Not impossible, but not simple. Men have a bit of an easier time, although it still is not a walk in the park. But Mark Hamill's chances of getting close to his old size are better, simply because of biology.

The only thing missing? The ghost of Molly Ivins. I suppose they have to save something for the sequel.

She is the mother of dragons. You cannot threaten her daughters and NOT expect her to breathe fire!

Fuck decorum! I am sick of taking the high road and acting like a "lady" while my rights are taken away by idiots who could never stay awake in a single high school biology class.

Barely related story...when I graduated college in 1999, I did so with a Beanie Baby rabbit attached to my graduation cap.

I am a dog and bird person, and like everyone else says, training (and training early) is key. Whether you chose to start with a puppy from a registered breeder or adopt an older dog from a rescue, enroll in an obedience class as soon as your vet gives you the OK.

Response I use on days I am feeling particularly fed-up: "I am not pregnant. I refuse to bring a child into a world full of rude people who seem to think the bodies of others are public property and subject to commentary."

Sorry, did not mean to yell. Like these brides, my keyboard lost all sense of reality.

The original point of those envelopes that these "lovely" brides saw passed around at every wedding they ever went to was not to refund whomever paid for the reception. The purpose of the money inside them was to ensure the couple could purchase what it needed to in order to start up housekeeping. That could be

Israel AND the KKK? Well, that's...awkward.

First off...glad you are here and making art :). The world seriously needs it. Whgat is your medium? I do fiber arts when I can get the time—sewing, knitting, spinning. I am an actual spinster in the original meaning of the word—a woman over 25, never married, earns her own living and owns a spinning wheel.

Just started the blog...

I am glad to hear you are still in the world, too. I am going good, thanks to a combo of diet, meditation and anti-anxiety as needed.

OK, one more thing, and then I will let this go (at least on this site; I reserve the right to harp on at my blog):