
Congrats on the impending marriage! May you have more happy days then sad, and may we be getting more guys with your attitude ASAP.

I could try to forgive this exploitation of these brilliant women if the editors tried in some, however half-hearted, way to make the pictorial part of a larger piece about creativity and mental illness or how women with mental illness are looked upon in our society. They could have even talked about the circumstances

That was one of my first thoughts. While these incredible women can no longer be emotionally hurt and hopefully have found the peace that eluded them in life, Chang and Plath still have children living. Perhaps some of the other authors do; I don't know off the top of my head.

Nemo, I can tell you have never been severely overweight. I am also willing to guess that you are one of those people blessed with a rapid metabolism that makes losing weight and keeping it off easy, plus a personality that is able to ignore the behavior hardwired into all animals by evolution (eat as much as

Um, yeah. As a size 16/18 woman, I always thought that was kind of the point.

I found it disappointing. It started out wonderfully, but it fell apart about halfway through. The story became a kind of interstellar "Twilight" with aliens instead of sparkly vampires. That annoyed me

Is it wrong of me to want to figure out a way to put tiny cameras on my pet birds? Just to see what kind of pictures they end up taking.

I think Ros' (lack of) clothing in death is less about the need for T&A in the episode and more symbolic in this case. Nudity symbolizes sex, yes, and Ros was an (ex) prostitute, but it also symbolizes innocence, fragility, defenselessness, honesty and exposure—the truth "laid bare" and the "naked truth".

Sam's role in the books is very different from his role in the show so far. Essentially, he is a foil (complete opposite) for Jon Snow and in some ways, for Theon Greyjoy. Without spoiling it for anyone, I can say that he does play roles in important events that unfold later in the story. By "later" I mean "in future

I thought the line could be interpreted both ways, and the writers/director/producers did it that way for a reason. There is genuine affection between Arya and Gendry. In the books, their age difference is not as striking and obvious as it is on TV. Also, while a 6-7 year age difference is huge when people are young,

First off, if this is all the reporter can come back from the game and write about, she needs to be fired. There are plenty of out-of-work writers who would be happy to fill that website with information actually relevant to the sport of basketball. Second, as a woman with a bit of the "pudge" herself, I say if the

I read an interview where Martin said that he has the ending of "GoT" outlined and has shared that outline with the show's producers. My guess is he did that so while the producers and writers pare things down for the screen they do not accidentally delete a character who plays a major role in the finale.

The She-Bears of Mormont rock, indeed! Right now, I am curious as to where Martin is going to take the character of Sansa. It seems to me that he is pointing the Stark sisters toward showing 2 of the ways a woman can gain power in a male dominated society: either by totally ignoring its rules and going her own way

The non-Stratford authorship argument is not that "poors can't write". Could someone born and raised in the Elizabethan merchant class, a version of the modern middle class (which William Shakespeare was) have the talent/genius to write high-caliber and popular plays? Absolutely. Did the majority of the artists of the

As a fellow SCA Norse re-enactor said, "Where in Midguard are all the hammers? At LEAST one of them would have a war hammer."

Yeah, because we can't have a news channel doing anything like journalism, can we? Foolishness like this is why I left journalism.

I knew it! (cue Lady Gaga) "I'm on the right track baby, I was BORN THIS WAY!"

Rose Wilder Lane was one of the founders of the libertarian movement. In fact, she came up with the term "libertarian". She encouraged her parents to follow her example, trust the free market, and put everything they had in the stock market. They lost everything in the 1929 crash. Laura Wilder decided to write the

What is with the jailbait on the cover of "Anne of Green Gables"? Is there no dignity left in the world?

Tell me about it. My Swedish genes granted me some natural G cups. Thank the Boobie Fairy for Lane Bryant!