
Of course it would all of a sudden cost way more if it was manufactured in the USA because they have no Chinese slave labour to drive the prices down. Maybe if American technology companies hadn’t decided to use slave Labour in China & 3rd world countries Chinese tech companies wouldn’t have been able to steal their

check this out

true nintendo should leave the hardware market , they are making a mistake by releasing the nx so early people won’t care because of the ps4 hype train but if they play their cards right they can establish a hardcore gaming empire on smarphones and tablets

i think you should check this out

of course the dreamcast would have done much better if ea had put fifa on the system and komani pes but they both chose no to

that’s true believe it or not atari tried to sue nintemdo for monopoly of the video game market in the 90s because of their mistakes which allowed nintendo to gain a market share

indeed skies is AMAZING !!!!!

as far as I’m concerned the ps1 was miles ahead of the saturn but the dreamcast on the other hand is was and always will be the best console ever