Did you see John’s bored face while waiting for Kai to show up after the crash? He knows that an exploding starship is like a mosquito bite to a Spartan. Heck, if they can jump out from a flying Pelican and just land on their feet, iron man style, then I think the only thing that scares them are ‘feelings’.
I wonder how many secondary xboxes are allowed for this. Perhaps remote xboxes can use VPN to connect back to the home network to authenticate with the xbox with the disk. Reminds me of how satellite tv smartcards were shared over the internet.
I expect the text to be so small that you have to sit two feet from your TV, the same distance you would normally be from your computer monitor.
Ok, but how does one do a 24 hour race in a single player game? Invite over a bunch of friends for unofficial coach co-op?
Perhaps the distinction is cutscene vs gameplay. Some can argue that inventory/character-creation screen is gameplay since it’s interactive. Heck, some people are happy just playing the character-creation.
It’s nice that they include so much historical information on the cars, but the mostly static nature of that content reminds me of DVD extras. How many of us bought the super deluxe boxset version of a series where the number of disks for extras matches or even exceeds the main content? And how many of you did not…
Maybe Sony bought Bungie simply so to keep Microsoft from doing the same? I know, it’s seems unlikely for Bungie to want to fold back into its old master(s), but money is money and Microsoft has a lot of it.
<sign> Gamestop? Might as well buy it used since a “new” game will be opened anyway.
<sign> Gamestop? Might as well buy it used since a “new” game will be opened anyway.
And a subwoofer.
The suggestion was not a Muppet, but the Muppets. All. Of. Them. Let’s have a different Muppet for each showing. Sure, some of them may be controversial, but it’ll be a moving target (some are literally flying out of a canon). Might as well throw in the cast of The Fraggles. And The Dark Crystal cast sure need the…
Time to cancel all those shows. And any show with Honda products. Or have any marketing ties with Honda. Goodbye Evangelion 3.0+1.0. <sniff>
At the 1:07 mark, I’m surprised microsoft is not forced to replace the “red cross” symbols on the health packs.
Coincidence that Valorant has five-player teams as well? Or Overwatch just catching up?
Once I connected two different apartments on different floors and sides of the building using Powerline Ethernet.