I’m going to get several of these sets so I can at least have four members for each color team. Then I’m going to make each member distinct with matching accessories in the same color. Might also want to create a gray team.
I’m going to get several of these sets so I can at least have four members for each color team. Then I’m going to make each member distinct with matching accessories in the same color. Might also want to create a gray team.
Welp, this is MUCH cheaper than ordering individual parts from bricklink to create my own monochrome set.
How is Epic (launcher/app) a game then? It’s like, “I’m going to watch a movie.” and then instead of getting a movie, I stare at the blinking clock on the VCR for two hours.
Is she... going commando?
Is this about protecting children? How about limiting or blocking payment options for children? But obviously credit card companies don’t want to do anything to limit their customer pool... all those lovely monthly interest charges.
After watching the video, I feel old since I still occasionally wear long sleeves under short sleeves. And have often tied clothing around my waist by the sleeves.
So a sexual video game can be sold as long as it’s classified in an adult-specific category?
The way his suit is straining against that single button, either she’s pulling from the back to make him look skinnier or he has a big fat spine-breaking wallet tucked into his back pocket.
They better fix this soon. With HDR becoming more popular, we’ll soon get blinded by the whiteness.
Shield level or armor integrity indicator makes sense. But an on-screen indicator of health? How would that even work? Perhaps have the edges of the screen get darker, like tunnel vision, to indicate that you will soon pass out.
I wonder if the backlog being physical, as opposed to being digital, have any influence on the matter. Certainly physical games, with their storage demand, can be an undeniable monument of your shame, while digital games can easily be a forgotten drip among the vast oceans of various online stores. But if you consider…
In Fantasy settings, don’t most of the discrimination elements default to against non-human species? I guess it makes human-to-human discrimination not as plot-worthy.
Also, Jesus had no complaints about guns.
I did mention buying the extra longboy from ebay, which would be cheaper than buying a whole new controller. The author does mention ordering replacement sticks online, but I don’t know if the replacements are official replacements, parts from official controllers, or clone replacements.
Maybe there are people that are selling their longboy sticks on ebay since they prefer shortboys? Or maybe buy a second elite to get the 2nd longboy and sell/dump the remaining carcass like a shark without its dorsal fin?
The finger tracking feature is unclear. Is it only for certain fingers like the pointer/thumb or all five? If all five, then if you spread all your fingers, won’t the controller drop out of your hand? When using a feature that is supposed to let you use your hands/finger naturally, it seems the opposite if you have to…
What is the purpose for the orb parts? If it’s just empty plastic, then is it simply to minimize damage to people/property/pets when swinging your arms around?
Scrabble is too hard. BINGO is more my speed.