If I was as good a writer as Evan, I'd have written something very similar. I cannot recommend this game enough, and I recommend it a great deal. Everyone should play it. It's wonderful.
If I was as good a writer as Evan, I'd have written something very similar. I cannot recommend this game enough, and I recommend it a great deal. Everyone should play it. It's wonderful.
Why? Why route for a game company to fail? See this is what i hate about the gaming community. A bunch of immature brats.
You have to respect that pixel-perfect jump precision.
I never understood why people would want to circumvent matchmaking just to whoop the asses of lower level players.
Wait, I can win "the Assassin's Creed Studio in Montreal"?
Canadian law would require them to add a skill-testing question, and they simply do not have the budget to allow for such a thing.
Only halfway through this article, but I don't think I've been this impressed/inspired by a developer in awhile. This guy not only can talk the talk, but the game has been designed from the ground up to walk the walk. They're taking the process of developing games and turning it on its ear - I think this is something…
From the thread on neoGAF (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthre…)
"Exclusive" is becoming such a relative word now, as you have to add many times "... for X months" these days.
Please don't pre-order. Just wait for it to come out and buy it then. It's not like they're going to run out of digital copies.
Buy, complete, complete again, get kind of bored, start a playthrough on hard, get bored, delete from steam, ignore.
Oh no! Internet jokes! We all laughed, until everyone else got hip! Now they're played out! Can't even funny.
That trailer was terrible. Zero game play, no context, and nothing that says, " Be excited about a game." at all. Also looks old gen.
Making 3D printing instantly a lot more interesting/potentially terrifying is a new system that lets you 'print' conductive circuitry. The university students behind it have printed a playable game controller from scratch as a proof of concept.
Got a Human Effigy?
Funny how they always look amazing in trailers but when you're finally playing it you're just staring at yet another car ass that looks pretty much exactly the same as the last racing simulator you played.