
People who are married have an absolute right to do what’s best to protect their marriage and their family, without being judged by others. Don’t like it? Don’t watch him. But he doesn’t need to stream with anyone just because some web site says he should, and certainly not because some commenters either here or on

“Deconstructionist” is usually a smart-sounding word for “incoherent” and “poorly structured”. “The Last Jedi” was not truly deconstructionist - it just didn’t know what it was trying to do, and in the process screwed up its own trilogy and made JJ Abrams’ task in wrapping up a coherent three act story that much more

Keep in mind that most of the survey respondents are outside the USA. Only 24.8% were from the USA, which is not representative of the game industry as a whole. This is a largely Euro-centric survey, despite their “attempts” at being more global. (I don’t know how hard they could have tried to get people to answer a

If people just want to play Street Fighter, there are cheaper *and* easier ways to do it than paying $299 for a fake 3/4 size arcade cabinet with what looks like an LCD screen.

If people just want to play Street Fighter, there are cheaper *and* easier ways to do it than paying $299 for a fake

I think that part of it goes back to what some were saying about Okubo and the other creators trying to have it both ways. They’re *not* really letting Ivy “own” her sexuality and they’re not owning it themselves. They’re kind of saying “WHAT?! You think she’s sexy?! Why, that was completely unintentional!” And that

They’re not particularly rare. Walk down the beach in Malibu and you’ll see that.

Pretty sure Ivy does have a 16th century ensemble. At least she does in the previous games. There’s not only one costume for these characters.

“If a host had purchased a home specifically to rent out year-round”

I mean, I get that the mouth is a little weird in the shipped one, but otherwise, is it not just a different angle and lighting? ‘Cuz that’s kinda what it looks like. If I got this, I’d be like “hmmm. Well, it’s free” and leave it at that.

I mean, the system had a pretty good run, yes? It was released in 2011; it’s 6 1/2 years old. That’s... not bad! Not many handhelds have had a run like that.

True story: my very first time in Japan, in 2000, I was treated to an Utada Hikaru concert at Chiba Marine Stadium from my hotel room window at the Makuhari Prince. Totally random, I had no idea in advance. This show later became the Bohemian Summer 2000 DVD - you can see the helicopter at the beginning fly right by

Not many publishers have dedicated screenshot people - it’s usually handled by the product managers. I worked in marketing for one of the publishers mentioned in this article and was pressed into screenshot duty occasionally - the higher-ups liked the work that I did for my marketing projects so just asked me to do it

Neither Dungeons and Dragons nor Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure are JRPG’s, if those are the games being imitated here.

It is Nintendo’s fault. It would be different if it was only Nyko, but it’s not. And the fact that it’s not means that it was almost certainly intentional on Nintendo’s part. It’s almost as if Nintendo programmed in a sequence that their current firmware looks for, and if it doesn’t find it, to render the console

Totally agree - there’s no point to these lists unless they’re exclusives. Lists like this seem to assume most of the site’s readers live in a vacuum, where no other consoles exist. But many, *many* people already have more than one console, and if you only have an Xbox One, chances are you already bought it knowing

I wish my wife enjoyed games - she just doesn’t. I’ve tried. We even got 30 hours in to Final Fantasy VII before she finally gave up on it. I’ve tried fighting games with her - those are the ones she tolerates the best, typically - other RPG’s, shooters, Grand Theft Auto (III, VC, IV, and V), even Hot Shots Golf.

Just want to make sure I’m understanding - originally your front case fans were blowing *out*? I’m not sure I’ve ever seen that setup. Blowing in is better because you’re not fighting for the same air your top and rear fans are trying to blow out, meaning you’ll get better overall airflow and certainly better airflow

“90/7" doesn’t even make any sense and isn’t used by anyone outside this company, and it seems to be repeated twice by two different people above. That implies to me that this is some sort of internal company phrasing that’s already known. Which further implies to me that it’s something thrown around in emails from

I’d wager to say not for most collectors, it doesn’t. We’ve been talking about this on the AtariAge forums, which is home to some of the most serious collectors around, and the consensus about this is who cares. If it makes the games look better, and the cases are a match for the originals (or even better, in terms of

Back in the early 00's or so, you could buy *real* replacement cases made by Sega themselves (or Sony, I guess, but real Sega cases) for about $20 per 10 pack. I bought a single 10 pack, stupidly, and not more than that. But I still have several of them, unused - most of my games are actually still in pretty good