So Shiney. So Chrome! So Frunky

Exactly.  They got home safe, which is a HUGE improvement over both the Challenger and the Columbia disasters.   

My grandfather was a merchant marine and a tugboat operator on the Detroit river, and he donated his body to science. They came and got him and everything! He was even a stanch Catholic, but valued science over superstition. Very proud of his decision.

Le mans team principal: $200,000,000 a year. More than you can afford, pal.

I just hear a tinny version of The Entertainer

That image should be plastered on the inside of every bathroom stall door in America.

I’ve always wanted to do a wizard fight scene on a van! WIZARD FIGHT. WIZARD FIGHT. WIZARD FIGHT.

a Where’s Waldo where everyone is Steve Buscemi

This is going to be my new wallpaper. I don’t mean on my phone or my computer. I mean on my actual walls.

The Great Wall Irish Goodbye

This is required, obviously.

Q already trademarked that name

That you have to operate with your mouth.

It will be so expensive, us peons will call it the Bank Wish.

Def much more than my Ducati, which, it seems, may be faster even. Especially if you get into the construction zones. CA allows splitting, so every time i come up on a construction zone on my annual pilgrammage to Laguna, i just ride to the front of the line. Some people get pissed, most are cool, and im down the road

In the time it took for him to say that sentence, the 919 was already at the next stoplight.

That Tesla is looking at the washer and dryer like

How lucky is Fabian Dalpiaz to be able to walk out of his house and see that view? 


Rain Poncho.

A full tank of gas.