So Shiney. So Chrome! So Frunky


Sounds about right. 

An America without the economy to support our military might it would seem. Not like the would know anything about that though.

When I worked there the people who lived through the Daimler era told me about how the suites got so empty everyone moved their desks together so they could be near other people and so the light bulbs could be removed from the rest of the room to save on the power bill. It’s no surprise that I saw award plaques that

It didn’t do it any favors

A good example of why it’s common practice now to run durability tests on dyno engines using the fuel from the market they are to be sold in.

There is still time

(Warboys avert gaze, start chanting “V8!” for no apparent reason)

Blase indeed. They lost a Prime Minister to the sea for God’s sake!

The Honorable Immorton Joe, presiding.


Your situation will be solved first because it’s much easier. Everything’s harder in winter in the north (That’s why we all retire south). But I feel you pain. Last car was totaled by an idiot texting on a perfectly sunny day. 

Barring all actual help, Google Earth was my best resource. Being able to look from above and see what is over the hedge was a Godsend and we still forgot to check for train tracks. Luckily they are far enough away and the trains aren’t frequent.

Glad to see we have our priorities in order.....

Lazy, violent, vulgar, fiscally irresponsible?

Fair enough. I’d say keeping the plow our of the asphalt should be much easier than plowing without running into everything else

An AI system strong enough to navigate through rush hour in Mumbia is probably one upgrade away from the start of the robot uprising

Solid point. Plus the parts of Michigan I commute through barely have visible lines in the summer. Like on my street they don’t sweep the edge before they paint so they just paint the dirt and in a week it’s mostly gone.

Would you really be able to tell the difference?

Not bad but not something I’d google either.