“Feeling like a 12 year old with a beer” is pretty much the perfect definition of true adult happiness
“Feeling like a 12 year old with a beer” is pretty much the perfect definition of true adult happiness
I prefer my B series in Dajiban! guise. Race all the things!!
Fair warning birds of prey will attack the shit out of drones. A friend of mine was working for a company that made them and they had an issue with the local hawks attaching their quad copters so they built a drone that looked like a hawk hoping it would help. The haws attacked ‘hawk-drone’ even more. But it really…
That’s super cool! But as the only bright part of an otherwise earthy colored truck I think you need more!
and a dash of rich mahogany.
Am I the only one who now wants a Hillman resto-modded with a Tesla drivetrain now. I don’t even like electric cars. Why does this sound so appealing?!?!?
Over all he was a solid manager.
An that children, is how the new SVX was made.
*Dog dick red. The reddest red that red can be.
Just making way for the next model:
Turbine power baby!!!!
I”m not convinced there isn’t some meth in it right now honestly.
Of course, how silly of me.
The wheeled version would give a much more supple ride but I fear the car crushing abilities may be reduced.
Then I suppose you wouldn’t be interested in Margret Thatcher’s armoured bus?
O no, no, no! This is far too crude! What you need is something from the latter half of the cold war. That era comes with AC and enough filtering to keep out chemical, biological, and nuclear contaminates. Perfect for scrubbing the stench of the unwashed masses from the air supplied to you.
I was surprised by pretty much all of it as I had never eaten those parts before. Not a fan of liver though, any liver. I think it’s due to the bad liverwurst we had around as a kid.
Wow, didn’t get it till just now.