Victor Smith

A dealer that low really deserves to be served an nice frosty delicious Molotov Cocktail.

Good grief, I hauled 800lb of stone pavers in the back of my Suzuki Samurai no ill effects at all, this thing is just an unbelievably big bad lemon, just one thing after another after another after another. LEMON, when are Elon’s minions going to realize this?

Well he’s threatening to sue advertisors for not giving him money because they don't like the way he lets right wing racist nazis run amok on X, so yes totally possible. 

It's baloney like this why I will never ever consider ANY Tesla at any point in the future until greedy Elon has been booted from the company. This is more proof of something I have long now felt, that Elon doesn't give a flying fig about the Earth, electric cars or anything beyond putting money in his pockets so he

Elon will donate his earlier robot bodies to this venture.

The Cybertruck went into production only because it generates money for Elon. All he saw was how many preorders were taken at $135K a pop. He wants to die on Mars, Earth be dammed.

Tesla exists today only to fund Elon, they stopped being the car to save the future when Elon showed his true colors with Trump and his right wing behavior. He doesn’t give two figs about the earth, its future, or anyone living on it. He only wants your money so he can die on a hamster wheel in a hamster habitat on

So being mostly waterproof is the same as saying these are mostly junk. Given this plus the whole host of other issues I’m waiting for the trance to break and the lemon law lawyers to start filing claims. 

I’m guessing using old stock unused parts from the early Tesla S models

All this and yet the Mad Monks of the Church of St Elon are still claiming their Tesla Cyberjunk is better than my ICE, but I’m sorry my supposed POS $15k Jeep, even with the problems I’ve had, is still doing OK at 117k miles while this $135k wedge of cheese is floundering more and more every day fresh off the

Really? Car wash mode? In 40 years of driving I have never had to do anything special to drive through a stupid car wash. What kind of poorly built garbage is this? Does this susceptibility to water also explain why these have been bricked after driving thru high water? These things are junk, every month it's some new

I had read it was even shortlisted for Best Picture, but in a very crowded field it didn’t make it. That would have been a tremendous moment indeed if it had.

This is TOTALLY on Jeep, its not selling because the collection of idiots running Jeep killed off the one Renegade that WAS selling well, the 2wd Sport model. Not everybody needs 4wd and the Sport fit into a nice niche for alot of people. Now you can ONLY now buy the Renegade at the much more expensive 4WD Latitude. I

The dealers excuse is pure Horse, well you know. They sold it outright because they got alot more from the other buyer that the original buyer was expecting to pay. Good luck on either dealer making good, they’ll backpedal and give excuses but will not remedy the situation. Sorry but Ford dealers are just the worst.

This is an incredulously stupid idea, Ford is going down this same path. Instead of selling more cars at $30000 lets sell a few cars at $80000, it will be okay, people want our products. What’s that? People aren’t willing to pay that much because wages haven’t grown since the 1980s and nobody wants to pay almost a

I have never understood the appeal of these behemoths. Why would you want to go on a cruise on something the size of a large city block? I bet you could walk for hours and never see the ocean once on this colossus. You might as well go on vacation at a shopping cheaper.

For all these “crushing sales” of the Maverick I have only ever seen one (1) on the road. So whoever is buying these certainly isn’t around me. Also another big reason the Mav is killing the Santa Cruz is that the stupid Hyundai dealers here only have top of the line models, costing well into the $40/50k range, on