
I am so turned on.....Raptor porn! "You bred raptors?!"- I would...

this takes SOL to whole new levels.

I got my ammo! Now I just need a few years of gas...yeah the ammo will get me that too! I am good to go!

Uh, what?

Is there a theory about the solar system where all the planets orbit the sun, but are drawn in sand consumed? Much like planets eat moons, is the sun eating planets. seems like everything with a spiral consumes or sucks things in. The milky way- a black hole. My toilet... But really is it something I heard before?

Filter: Distort: Spiral.

Where else could I implant this? ?There.



Oh he was excited, he volunteered to go to Nam, he lead a killer team. He said that they would constantly roam around, and retake hills that they had previously captured. He believed that we pulled out right before a real victory was in reach. Politics. Also, his own Country was against the men as much as the war.

Well I guess things like Columbine disprove your logic (teens acquired guns through stupid adults). Oh, and there aren't drugs on the streets because its illegal. I think $11,000 fines are a good deterrent, hell I'd just deport people like this- to Detroit. Sorry, I guess it just seems like hell to me.

I havent seen a movie since my son was born (dont wanna be that guy) and I havent been to a US movie theater since I lived in England for the last 4 years. But this makes me not want to go at all now that I am back. Just remembering the dum-dums from last time makes me want to pistol whip someone.

Your sarcasm needs work...sarcasm right?

No joke, scalpal vs bazooka. I know there is no such thing as a clean war, and there is no way to take men out of the battlefield. Dad was a platoon Sgt in the marines in vietnam. I just cant belive its been ten years.

Cryn 4 u

Logan's run ftw! If yall old people dont retire soon, we will really start zapping you midair!

Funny how we spend so much paper/make believe capital on a make believe story about a Primate that dresses as a bat that fights for something other than food or sex.

Funny, I feel like it will be kinda like tmnt 2 (compared to 1).