

To be fair thy finally got it right. I believe that both the chinook and the mh53 have taken more lives in mech failure mode, each in a single crash, than all the v22 combined.

I'll stand by you raptor.

perhaps perhaps not. They are working on a laser that can fit in a c-130. Supposedly it is like an instant 3 ft wide torch cutter, and could make a human burst into flames...f'up but if it works it could limit collateral damage, which is our biggest problem with these last two wars, there has been many accidental

yeah, its like saying that you have a 7 ton elephant that can kick around a soccer ball for five minutes- then clapping for yourself.

As an ex air force guy this make me sad...really need to end this thing, maybe make missiles/rail guns? I mean if it could melt the missile or burn it up great, but really! Sorry, does not want. PS feed me!

They should just use it for cas on single many seconds would it take to roast someone?

I once saw a ghost in a dream, like the woman you describe. She was floating weightless in the sky, howling like a banshee, then it saw me and headed for my bedroom window, really creepy for an 8year old.

Once had a friend who slept all the time, he said his dreams were better than his life...sad, but understandable.

Get the falling thing alot,I usually freak out and yell also! Very embarassing! Once had a dream i was walking on a very rock mountain, then an earthquake happened and the gravel came loose. Then i was sliding on my back for a long time, until I fell off the edge to my death, but I woke up before i hit that time. Oh I

Wirder still, my wife likes to interrogate me while I sleep. i start talking in my sleep and she will ask me questions and tell the truth! I'll wake up to my own voice and have no idea what I was talking about, sometimes she is mad!

Soo awesome, like you just slung like a thousand feet and then bounce again. I had one where i could jump like a hundred feet in the air, then pause and decided where to land. Yes it sucks hen you wake up!

Lol, your scarring me! Arg, i hate this new reply rule!

Once had a dream where i was shot by some burglars, then as a ghost helped save my family from the crooks. Oh, also love the million enemy fights like that viral ninja video the other day.

Same thoughts, dude. I was like this is really good, then realized too.

I am iPhone's sulking self pity...........(just for replies......=(

Der dis is a waspr and uh well uh it uh and shit, the end man.

Quick call Gordon Freeman!

Good points, but you are wrong about it not saving livrs, they still had fight in them. We air dropped warings before the nukes, they called our bluff. It. Wasnt a bluff.

Clapping 4 U