
Mat Honan deleting comments lamenting his paid propaganda article.

no they are part of the anti-Google campaign machinery.

No I guess they are part of the $200 million PR campaign by Microsoft. You know, beat your competitor by making people hate them.

Wow gizmodo your Google bashing article is getting ridiculous.

90% of desktop OS belongs to windows is a monopoly. OSX is gaining share though.

They still have the monopoly on desktop OS? duh

What no facebook?

Misleading headlines the video says other smartphone OS has this app installed not just Android. Gizmodo are you part of the WP7 marketing budget to smear it competitor?

" I do really like their platforms and technologies"

The pattern unlock patent is for unlocking and launching an app at the same time. Say, you want to launch gmail when you unlock the phone, you just need to gesture swipe an M pattern

Pathetic Microsoft

see you in two years in Google+

GIZMODO = Facebook PR machine. How can you say its a ghost town when you don't even have an account? You should call your site cheesemodo

Sam Biddle is a paid shill by the Facebook PR dept during F8 and some other tech writers. Now facebook didn't hire Burson-Marsteller they go directly to the writers

Yea another anti-google crap article. are being paid by words or by more bs stuff you said on the article.

This is just a bias PR article paid facebook's anti-Google campaign department. The author didn't even bother to use service, he just signed up. How could you write article against Google when you even barely touch your account, shill much? If facebook is in the same position as Google+ it will also be boring. Was

No tnx Microsoft, Im staying away from .Net.

Put it on wikileaks

Wow Gizmodo your article tone is different from that of NYT? Hate Google much?