B. Acre

You can find Op Eds by disillusioned Republican operatives all over the place. None of them blame themselves at all. This is just a terrible thing that is happening but Hillary Clinton is just as bad if not worse and I don't endorse Donald but I can't stop attacking Clinton because if I did I'd have to face the fact

Not that comfortable. I have such limited time for gaming that if I'm going to be using mods, it's to enhance something that I already love to pieces, not to fix something that wasn't that great to start with.

I remember playing the original Shogun: Total War and realizing that the battles were basically rock-paper-scissors(-guns), and then getting okay with that. For me, I'm torn between Rome and Medieval II for "best of the best." Rome definitely had some game play/balance issues, but the unit diversity was fantastic

I'm building my way up to finally trying Empire: Total War. After loving the series up through Medieval II: Total War, I didn't buy Empire because my life had just gotten too busy. I'm starting by running through Medieval II real quick as the English to refamiliarize with the franchise, and then I'm going to find a

I mean, it works, and the display is really good, but browsing on Marvel U web is a pain in the ass, there's no Comixology app, and the tablet interface is still shockingly half-assed, as is the stylus interface (which is a shame, because the actual writing experience with the stylus is top tier).

Yeah, I got some kind of low-level Kindle with a color screen as a gift (I also have a paperwhite for books) and it worked pretty okay for comics. The screen was a bit small, and I wanted a tablet for work anyway, so I "upgraded" to the Surface. It has been underwhelming, though. If money were no object, I'd

You can more or less get tablet mode working with a browser, but yeah, no apps to speak of. Windows 10 is still pretty kludgey in a lot of ways, too, so the browsers work differently and often non-intuitively in tablet mode. It's not the worst reading experience, but relative to reading them on a Kindle or iPad it's

Surface Tablet (which is terrible for comics, btw), but yeah.

A major component of the comic form is juxtaposition of images on a page. Guided view takes that away. I'm sure it's possible to take advantage of the guided view form (and I think Marvel has tried that with some of their Marvel U-only offerings), but if you're not losing something with guided view it's because the

Echoing others, a trade has to go above and beyond a glued spine and cardstock cover for me to consider it anymore. I was all in on trades over issues fifteen years ago, but with digital distribution getting as good as it is, I'm only interested in physical media that really takes advantage of being physical media.

I too demand that both parties be equally ridiculous and worthy of ridicule, and if they are not then I will complain loudly about our what our comedians and satirists owe me.

Let's be honest though: that monopoly ripoff was on point.

Once you're cooking for that many, home cooked is always going to cheaper for an equivalent (but better) meal. You could make burgers for five people for less than the cost of five happy meals, and the burgers would be bigger and better than the happy meal burgers. A 2 liter of soda will similarly run you less than

There's that sometimes, but there's also just a lot of people not knowing how to cook. I'm familiar with Nickeled and Dimed, but having worked a large range of jobs, from manual labor to low-level IT to relatively high pressure professional, how tired I was and how little personal time I had had and has less to do

I didn't mean to suggest that those were the only two kinds of people, only that the latter type is far more likely to be culinarily illiterate than the former. Condolences on hating cooking, that's a real shame.

So the Germans followed the rules, attempted to conform to the stated requirements and objectives of the contest and largely felt no urge to take the piss either when it came time to submit designs or vote?

In my experience, people who have no idea how to cook are not, by and large, the overly-structured, overachiever types. They're far more likely to be working a low level IT or tech-adjacent job, or on the lower rungs of publishing, advertising, public relations or similar jobs. The super type-A types may not

No, no, you do it the other way around: The Road then No Country. That way you feel like everything's too pointless to even bother killing yourself. If you're worried you will still have enough animus left to actually take the plunge, just queue up Burn After Reading to begin playing after the No Country credits end.

I think Aaron Paul is fantastic, but Archer is very hard to deny. Just a '27 Yankees of voice talent, with H. Jon Benjamin as the bambino.

Is it statistically close? I think if you look at polls that account for how presidents are actually elected—the electoral college—Hillary is leaps and bounds ahead. Trump can win 99% of the white vote in Mississippi and North Dakota, but if Hillary is pulling 54% in Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania, then she's