B. Acre

Disagree. At least 25% of the runtime of the movie (subjectively approximately 12 hours) was close-ups of crying hobbits not confessing a love that be not named.

I don't see why you assume that. Sometimes one brand just does better than another brand, forever. Pepsi has never eclipsed Coke, and indeed has consistently lost ground.

But only missionary style, with the lights out. Because that's how Barry Allen rolls. Then he goes out to drink with Hal Jordan and grouse about the feckless youth of today, I swear man.

If you're interested, the wikipedia article on primogeniture covers it pretty well. Dorne historically had either an absolute primogeniture or male-preference primogeniture system (historically prevailing in, e.g., England and Spain), while the Iron Throne passed by way of agnatic primogeniture, which prevailed in

Only the Dornish would recognize her claim. They talk about it in book 4 or book 5.

He just acknowledged him, but didn't legitimize him. Legally, he's a bastard for purposes of succession/descent. Given that the Baratheon claim ultimately stems from having Targaryen blood, you would probably look back to see where the Targaryens had mixed with another house more remotely in time, and then trace an

In the books, it would be Stannis, because he's still alive in the books. In the show, we don't know enough of the Baratheon family tree to figure it out. None of the Baratheon brothers have left any legitimate male issue, so I think you'd go to first cousins—how one ranks them is unclear.

Only if they were in earshot of someone who would report it.

Ted Cruz is just a man running for president, as his campaign website clearly states:

Unlikely that a Korean would view the Korean War as a military spat in which we did not belong, but point otherwise taken.

He's practically the protagonist at this point. Killing him just after 5 books doesn't make any sense. When you read the story a second time, all of the deaths actually make sense—Ned is the only real headfake.

Worth the payoff

Melisandre more likely to survive than Tyrion Lannister? Are these people idiots?

Really? I didn't even write that I like it—I just said that, as a white dude, I find it suspect when people dump on music that they don't relate to but which is clearly not intended for them to relate to. Says more about them than anything, as far as I'm concerned.

That's totally true. I mean, people are free not to like stuff, and "it doesn't speak to me" is a valid grounds for "I don't dig it," but it's suspect when someone really wants to dump on something for that reason. There's all kinds of music that is just not for me—rarely do I feel the need to express my dislike.

Agreed that AVC has unusually high signal-to-noise, but I'm not surprised there isn't a deeper discussion of this here. On the whole (myself included) we don't have a ton to say about the black experience, let alone black women's experience in America. There can be some fairly nuanced discussions of race where it's

Oddly enough, whenever the Punisher wasn't on-screen, I was asking a similar question: "Why isn't the Punisher on-screen?"

The mcguffin is coming from inside the underdeveloped love interest of the season. Abort abort.

That is actually part of From Software's trademarked fit, finish and feel.

Maybe games should abandon the dichotomy all together and just give players choices with logical consequences and let them decide for themselves which one is 'right'.