B. Acre

He would never help Gendry. He's all about the law and the rules, and Gendry is a bastard. He's entitled to nothing. Moreover, if Gendry had a claim, there would be scores of young men in and around Kings Landing (and across Westeros) who would have equally valid claims.

This is almost certainly the correct answer. "Hey Dan, how about we save $75,000 and ourselves the headache of Stephen Dillane bitching about getting his face plaster casted by just cutting the last two seconds of his death scene, where we switch perspective and you see his head fall off and body topple over?" "I

They saw Gendry in his boat and decided to swim after him. Gendry, the dogs and all of the intact Greyjoys will be at the Kingsmoot which will be shown in season 11.

He'll just talk about his 2K time incessantly. I've met crew people.

That was taken from the books where, surprise surprise, it makes more sense. In the books, when Theon and his companion (who is not Sansa) jump off the wall, it's after a month-long snowstorm that has left snow piled more than halfway up the walls of Winterfell, and so it's both not as far a drop and also very well

Actually, one of the victories recounted in the book (and maybe the show?) is about how an outnumbered Unsullied force decimates a Dothraki horde. The showrunners seem content with resting on the badassness of the idea of the Unsullied while repeatedly showing them getting their asses handed to them by random

Don't Obsess over the unimportant.

It might be that way in the show, but that would be a departure from the books. In the books, he calls them his "little birds" because they're often children—it's also suggested that he either recruits mutes or renders them mute so that they can't talk to anyone else.

I wasn't really bothered by the ring thing, because it was in a small circle of less-trampled grass that had been circled by scores of galloping horses.

Travel time is completely arbitrary in the show. They make no effort to figure out how far things are from other things, or how long it would take by foot, horse or ship.

I found the fourth book kind of a slog, but the fifth book picked up nicely, if I remember right. When (if) GRRM finishes the series, I have a feeling that A Feast For Crows is going to be one of the books people talk about a lot. Not necessarily because of how much they like it, but because of how much detail got

The parallels between Cersei and Carly Fiorina are positively eerie.

The only thing that can stop a Lannister party is a massive heart attack.

Clinton tried to read Game of Thrones but she had to stop when she was disgusted by what lily-livered weaklings and fucking amateurs even the Lannisters and Boltons were.

I am willing to say all but a handful of comic properties were "laughably obscure" until sometime in the last 10 years. Superman and Batman were cultural touchstones, Wonder Woman I guess was relatively well-known because of Lynda Carter. Spider Man I'm really not sure, but I feel like he was commonly recognized.

Yes. Stopped reading for a few years.

That might be true, but that's partly because in the burbs you're less likely to have people committing crimes driven by human need. There are many violent drug dealers, for example, but for the most part it's a business. They're not doing it because they love seeing people get addicted to coke or heroin, they're

Yeah, but he mostly kills or intimidates poor people. He does mess with a couple of old rich guys on a golf course, one of whom has a heart attack and presumably dies because Douglas sent his heart pills (and golf cart) into the water hazard, but only because they hit golf balls at him intentionally.

The fact that something is not universally unsuccessful does not mean that it is in any way a good idea. If a director has a strong and good vision of how an actor should embody a character, and effectively elicits that performance, then a movie can succeed with the actor remaining a blank slate on which the director

Interesting, I pegged you for younger than me, but you are older (I am around your wife's age). I respect your opinion, but calling the Democrats the "lesser of two evils" and, especially, not voting for them on that basis strikes me as a really bad idea. I think Clinton is comparable to an Eisenhower republican in