B. Acre

Fascism is different than Nazism. You could easily have a purely nationalist fascist state, or even a theocratic fascist state, which is pretty close to what Francoist Spain was. Leaving that aside, though, the Falangists did think of what they were doing as racist (or racialist, if you prefer). The national day in

Given how terrible the books are, I'm not sure that's really saying much.

No one has ever been a true fascist, communist, anarchist or anything else. Prescriptivist definitions of ideologies are fools' errands. In the era when fascism was very much a living, vital political force, everyone recognized the Falanage/Francoists as fascists, from the very beginning through the post-war period.

Interesting. That doesn't really make sense to me, but I can't recall anything that contradicts what you remember, so I guess you're right.

I'm pretty sure he had an accent in Claremont run—he'd definitely sprinkle Russian into his speech (guaranteed "bozhe moi" if something startled him). Some iterations have been accentless—I think Ultimate Colossus had lost his Russian accent—but I wouldn't think that's canon. Happy to be corrected.

I was agreeing that momentum/inertia are the important ideas, not acceleration itself. Acceleration will occur when the car hits the restaurant—even if it is not accelerating at all prior to the collision—but the nature of the effect that's going to have is going to be a function of force over time, not just force.

I think it has. If you can't remember 9/11, you're not a Millennial, as far as I'm concerned. You're whatever dipshit nickname we're going to saddle your generation with. Sorry (hypothetical) kid.

The start of the "Millennial" generation is usually pegged somewhere around 1980 - 1984. I was born in that timeframe, and I'd consider myself a Millennial more than a Gen Xer, and I can remember what a big issue nuclear war was in the late '80s and early '90s. Even after the Cold War had ended, you had this kind of

No judgment. In my youth, I thought Jim Lee was head and shoulders above everyone else, and Todd McFarlane and Rob Liefeld were fun and energetic. It's funny to me now, because I have a pretty visceral reaction to some of those guys, but I can see the appeal.

The acceleration is going to be supplied by Object A meeting Object B. Depending on the elasticity of the objects, acceleration will likely be very high as long as difference in relative velocities is significant.

I think Punisher knocks him out after lording it over him that Matt pulled the trigger (remember, no pin), and unchains him while he's unconscious.

Yeah, he's not a four tools (or however many) kind of guy. He's got solid anatomy, so you don't get a lot of weirdly distorted bodies going on, even when the characters are (intentionally) inhumanely proportioned, like Mr. Bumpo or The Russian. He's not a realist by any stretch, but I think that grounding in reality

Oh well if Zod agrees.

He has a remarkably consistent style, and it worked really well for Preacher. I think it even worked pretty well for Welcome Back, Frank, because it was so much its own thing. It's jarring when he draws things that other people have drawn before, though. His superheroes look particularly bad—not sure if that's

No, they segue into a Cloak & Dagger crossover like two-thirds of the way through the season. That's why the critics' screeners only went to like episode 7. After that, it's like 80% Tandy zapping bros in Murray Hill and Ty swanning around in that bigass cloak of his.

That's an amazing casting call. So good.

Punisher told him there was only one bullet in there.

I actually read a lot of Punisher: War Journal back in the day. He mostly runs on caffeine and rage.

Spoilers for anyone who cares
Instead of shooting a guy on the roof, Punisher is using the sniper rifle to kill a guy far away. He gives the same speech about how Daredevil is responsible for a death either way. Daredevil, after several panels of fighting it, points the gun at the back of Punisher's head,