B. Acre

That his byline is "A.A." never stops being funny to me.

Accurate, but worth noting that he not only was, but still remains an absolute garbage human.

That's a fair point, but not having seen the show or a transcript of the show or anything except randomly selected Twitter and Facebook postings on it—and the mea culpa from Chappelle's rep—I frankly don't know where this fell on the spectrum from "brand new experimental material" to "seeing what works in a 3,000


I don't know what happened, because I wasn't in the audience. Some loud jackasses have decided that what happened is "Dave Chappelle didn't work hard enough to make me laugh so I deserve money", and some other people who were apparently also at the show have decided that what happened was "Dave Chappelle [got]

That is exactly how stand-up is performed. You're not usually coming up with your jokes on the spot, but you are figuring out the jokes as you tell them, hopefully playing to audience reaction and coming up with embellishments, beats and deliveries that get the most out of each joke.

This was more a joke about how stand-up comedians are mostly alcoholics who smoke too much and have a job that consists of getting up on stage at night trying to entertain a crowd of drunken strangers out in the dark, but if you want to take it seriously that's cool, too.

I went to see a stand-up comedian and all I got was this alcoholic stumbling around the stage smoking while babbling almost incoherently. I am upset about this in the same way I am furious every morning when I get in the shower, turn on the water, and get WET!!! Totally unacceptable.

I never realized how sarcastic the title of "Great Job, Internet" was until right now. The column suddenly makes a lot more sense.

American Psycho is a black comedy. I know it feels weird to say it, because of all the people who somehow missed that and instead took away from the movie that being in finance must be badass, but it's not a controversial read.…

If that were true, then more artists would refuse to allow their work to be streamed, full stop. As demonstrated by the article, the returns on streaming are negligible, even for major artists. In other words, the artists' music is being played frequently, for a large audience, with nominal compensation to the

It's "about his tweaker days" in the sense that it's a collection of impressionistic semi-fictional portraits of tweakers he knew when he was a drug addict. Sunset Tree is really the only personal album; a few others have one or two personal songs (like The Legend of Chavo Guerrero on Beat the Champ), but they're not

If you tweet this at John Darnielle, he will probably agree and commend you on your excellent musical taste. Seriously.

So being pro-recycling is akin to being anti-vaccination. Got it.

It's possible that how bangable her accent makes her sound is less important to her, the show and basically everyone who gets more than 10 minutes of sunlight a week than whether said accent is appropriate to the plot and well-delivered by the actress.

He said "make it." Being a beloved and talented character actor appreciated by the kind of people who grow out of ranking movies by how badass the special effects are is "making it" the same way that settling into a moderately demanding position as a civil engineer and then eventually getting your PE and maybe an

Unfortunately, this thread has never had a date, and will remain a virgin well into its college years.

Not sure where this is coming from.

The only explanation I can see for the OJ Simpson DA callback is that it was a high-profile instance of the authorities totally phoning it in where a woman was brutalized and murdered by a man. Otherwise, having the legal team be Clark and Darden is distracting, at best. Also, the show really goes out of its way to