BaconSandwich is tasty.

I think that the main argument against Apple is quite simple: the 30% cut that Apple takes is exorbitant.

Corporate culture incentivizes short-term gains for management/executives, even at the expense of common sense sustainability. I think it’s why capitalism gets a bad wrap, when what we have essentially moved towards here in the US is a very extreme, unrestrained strain of capitalism (thanks in large part to that

Hey now, I still use my HP Elite x3 (Windows Phone).

now I would argue that “a desire to infect the police with a virus by not wearing a mask” would also constitute “hatred towards law enforcement.”

Eternally useful.

The number of Florida children under 17 who’ve tested positive for covid-19 rose from 16,797 kids on July 9 to 39,735 on August 9, according to a recent report from CNN.”

Yeah, and I ran out of popcorn already...

When people started equating opinions with facts.

This is staggeringly stupid. How did we wind up here as a nation?

I said “Evil Overlord”, not “incompetent assclown”. 

Shortcut buttons should be user programmable.

This whole thread has a Euro-pean feel to it.

Coin new ones, even.

I guess I’ve got to give you credit for that.

But if they weren’t using their birth names, one could say that they had to change them.

Please. This is not the only thing he spends time on. He also golfs.

Yeah, good point. Does China really even need Tik Tok to get in our shit? Nope. Hell, they make all the shit that we plug our shit into and have for decades now. 

It’s a new day, but the same hypocrisy as usual.

150,000+ dead Americans and this is what he spends his time on.

There’s only a small amount of data out, but so far it looks like ebike users burn a comparable amount of energy to non-electric bike users. Apparently they go further and use them for more trips than traditional cyclists, so over the long term it all evens out.