BaconSandwich is tasty.

Touch Screens

Half Life 3 CONFIRMED!!!

Dumb question. Why don't they just curve the highway around the complex and keep it 8 lanes wide?

This conversation is everything that is right about Jalopnik.

It's a Monogram snap-together kit. No glue required. Some of the tabs are visible where the chassis pan piece snaps to the bumper. Nice job on the paint, by the way. Can't see the brush strokes at all.

I don't know. It seems to fly in the face of their brave new world where "you, the reader are a contributor!" because it further distances me from what I spend/waste most of my time on: reading comments. I really don't know how this works with any business model. The new format discourages me from going to other

Yeah! I'm trying to make annotations and comments.. I don't know if the Jalops have to approve them or if Kinja is sh!tt!ng all over my internets. I think this system needs a little more testing. Most Bugs Ever.