BaconSandwich is tasty.

The Geo Metro wasn't that bad. I mean, how many other vehicles are out there that you can change an engine out without having to use a hoist? The only other one that immediately comes to mind is the old beetle.

So the heater works great, but only the first time?

I should legally change my name to "Man with no internal organs", so that if I ever get in a car accident, the headline could read "Man with no internal organs gets in car accident".

That'll buff out.

Well, given the Ford nature of things, a Windsor block might do well. That, or one of the new Coyote blocks. Heck, even a V6 from a current mustang would give it some serious grunt.

Nice. Any idea what the shelf-life is of a roll of that stuff? It might be worth picking up a roll to have on hand, if it has a decent shelf life.

How well does the adhesive hold up when it gets hot?

I noticed the Nikon lens, but didn't notice the canon body. How how many shots did she squeeze off in 30 seconds?

I watched the first 18 seconds. I want my 18 seconds back.

I just did some digging around locally, and I'm surprised what I found! I had no idea they were that inexpensive! I wonder what sorts of engine swaps people have managed with them.

I thought it was usually the '99 Si that was the most stolen car?

Mmm. Hearing that they are a dime a dozen makes me want to pick one up, just for the heck of it. I doubt there are too many for sale up here in Canada though...

And the wagon has the added cargo space so when it comes time to move...

I've been wanting to get an MR2 for just that reason - something to wrench on without having to risk doing something to my daily driver. The only thing that worries me about the MR2 is the amount of engine bay Tetris involved in moving some of the things around in there.

That reminds me of something, but I can't quite put my finger on it... something.... smelly.

Surveying tools can get pretty pricey. A friend of my does surveying, and drives around in a Toyota Tercel with some wickedly expensive equipment in it. Like a $20k piece of surveying equipment. It would be pretty easy to fit three of those things in a decently sized trunk.

This makes me want a surplus Willy's jeep even more now...

Pretty much.

Well, it'll be a year before I do get a chance to go there. If by chance it is done by then, let me know!

Well, there is a remotely slim chance I'll be there next year. I'll hopefully be going to a conference in Bordeaux.