BaconSandwich is tasty.

Oh dang! Someone run that thing into a curb sideways and hopefully knock some sense into the owner while doing it!

It's almost like HotWheels and Barbie got together for an episode of Pimp My Ride.

Double points if you get a green apple air freshener in there with it.

It's even shaped sort of like a log... maybe add some corn decals on it?

Needs more split-pea green and cat diarrhea brown.

Not much rear weight in a rear-wheel drive, and a pretty decent engine? Yeah, they can be fun. Especially in winter (with snow).

I never would imagined that there was a good reason to buy a Juke, but you might be onto something. I would say buy an Aztek, but I think it's more likely to get torched than stolen.

Isn't t hat about like dividing by zero?

As mentioned elsewhere, I find this quite impressive.

... using a live mortar as a ball.

I'm guessing that was CG?

I wonder if the 'authorities' would be willing to lift the $500 limit just for them. It would be entertaining as heck.

That's insane.

I think I'd feel pretty much the same way if I were to spend a significant amount of money on a nice car. My current one is a '01 civic, but I've been oogling over the BR-Z/FR-S. I've also considered getting something much older/more beat up, like an old MR2, just to learn how to drive properly without the fear of

I read that last bit as "Winston Churchill's jewels."

For some reason that reminds me of a dentist's chair...

Well, knowing all the issues they've had with infrastructure in Quebec lately, maybe the road collapsed underneath it?

It reminds me a lot of the BR-Z/FR-S/FT-86. That's a good thing.

A very poor one?

Ah, I guess that would make sense. Is there a way to have it paddle-shift only?