
I mean, that is actually a pretty excellent idea. My dad was a trucker for a couple of decades of his life (but hasn’t been in the game since 2003) so the industry will always be interesting to me.

Why don’t y’all just do a feature called “Ask a Trucker”? I’m sure I’m not the only one on here who drives commercial truck for a living; I’m also a driver trainer. 

Damn had a productive holiday break didn’t you?  What did we do to deserve so much Torch awesomeness to start the year?!

Welcome to jalopnik where the words mean nothing and only the clicks matter.

Yeah, give the PR guy a raise. This was probably cheaper than buying a TV ad and I’m sure will sway a lot more buyers to shop at their dealership instead. 

my kid has had one 5 years and loves it. great teenager car. 

Nice! And a Kia Soul. I was a bit down on these cars until I got one as a rental. tl;dr they’re great. Honestly it’s a little better for a teenager than a SUV IMO

It was Granddad. But yeah, who knows. Maybe he’s just from another time when we used to trust people

I’m sure the PR value they’ll get from this is far above what the car cost them.

Ripping off a disabled kid seems like the lowest form of scummery there could possibly be.  Excellent work by Frank Kent. 

cool story bro

damn she knows it and i love her calling it out.

Agreed. Any planetary classification that doesn’t take orbital behavior into account strikes me as patently stupid.

That’s the most confusing part.  Why is Europa a planet when it’s primarily orbiting Jupiter?

No shit. Reminds me of a story a friend told me once, his history teacher got pulled over by a Georgia trooper who said, “I’ve never heard of anyone going that fast through Georgia.” Teacher’s reply was, “Perhaps you’re not familiar with William Tecumseh Sherman?” Spent the night in jail for that wise crack.

Just the Outkast song.

and of course there will be a group who will want to have sex with them”.

A male passenger told her “it was an inappropriate comment and that she ‘isn’t Black … this isn’t Alabama and this isn’t a bus.’” He then said, “Sit down, Karen.”

“Plowed Bois” lol...I’m definitely going to be using that one.

Bwhahahahahaahaha! Eat all the shit, Plowed Bois.