
Those jerks tried to circle him looking all hard, but his vigorous pumping and spraying all over the place got them off as fast as possible.

Hi Jason! A chilean guy here! The video it’s hilarious, but I feel I should warn you the twitter account you linked is a far-right, trump-stan alike. On the future, please try to avoid giving visibility to account names with ‘patriota’ on them.

Finally! It’s about time Blacks in positions of power started making the bold moves necessary to effect change! If we learned anything over the past three years, it should be to Just Do It (after much research, of course) and See If It Flies!

I cannot unsee it.

I am an out of shape, middle aged woman with arthritis that makes me pretty much useless.  But if Chump were in my line of sight, I’m pretty sure I could muster some strength.

“We haven’t seen a gnome in six months now, unfortunately,”

I also think that this car will look far better in person than in photos, because it’s hard to get a sense of scale in what is a pretty big car.

I’ve enjoyed ripping into today’s excuses for styling as just iterations of Dove soap bar cars—that same areodynamic shape for cutting thru the air. After all, getting good MPG or long battery life depends on using your energy efficiently—slice thru the air—duh.

It’s like a Chinese knockoff of Mansory customized a Chinese knockoff of a G-Wagon.

How can I come?

I’m sure this will restart the AntiFa HQ twitter thread.

I saw this clip last night and had no idea it was a reference to something Trump said and I will now be on the floor laughing for the rest of the day. 

They should lob jars of pickled beets. Because fuck the police and fuck pickled beets.

When young, rich and happy* aren’t enough

Airline pilots have some of the highest MAGA chud concentrations I have encountered, by and large. This dude is barely on the scale.

You would be surprised at how many Subarus there are in the Oil patch, and how many Teslas are owned by oil company executives.*

The best part is they drive like a massive douche and then they always, ALWAYS, wind up parked at the same light as everyone they passed.

Those San Jose weirdos are actually driving around in Priuses, Teslas, and Subarus. At least pick an accurate stereotype.

Probably, although it’s hard to say. Sauron is of the same level of beings that serve Ilúvatar as Gandalf, (The Maiar) so perhaps he’ll look like a pleasant but wise old man. Sauron was a student under the Vala Aulë the master craftsman, (The Valar are a level of beings above the Maiar in the hierarchy under Ilúvatar)

Probably you’re right. The short explanation for Megan is that Sauron is essentially the equivalent of a fallen angel, and after the Fall of Numenor was so damaged and corrupted as to no longer be able to take on a beautiful corporeal form. That’s why he’s only shown as the Eye in LotR. He did have a physical form at