
This is like the anti-Supra. Understated instead of over-styled, distinct nods to its heritage. Give it the 400hp TT V6 and a stick, price it in the low-40s to compete with the Mustang GT and undercut the I6 Supra, and you’d have to win hearts and minds of enthusiasts everywhere, right?

You see, the gravity of the Moon does a lot of pulling on the Earth’s oceans, which causes them to bulge, which causes a phenomenon known as tides. You’re all from Earth, you know what I mean.

Unless you are Bill O’Reilly.

I dont get why more businesses dont do this... any business that needs to get people in the door.. Movie Theaters? Free Tickets/Concessions for vaccine card holders... Restaurants? Free apps or some shit...

As a pilot, FAA controllers are the guardian angels of the sky. They have the eyes open to help regulate the airways and are always on the top of their game. These guys and gals seriously don’t get enough praise or pay for the insane level of work they handle on a day-in day-out basis. 

Doing math. All day. Without making a mistake.
This is the exact opposite of what my brain is capable of!

There are only a few careers where I’ve actively thought to myself that it would be too much information to handle.   The amount of data points they need to constantly keep track of, especially at the bigger airports is staggering.

In fairness to the Simpsons...the AV Club doesn’t really cover ANYTHING, anymore.

Is there anything we won’t watch Prince do?

“and then he made us pancakes..... Pancakes.”

Even in the vile, sensory- and morally-assaulting, humorless void that has been 2020-2021, “Game. Blouses.” will never not be funny.

There are always interesting cars/prototypes to discover on Mikado Racing.

But not many people hit the hilarious trifecta of misusing Autopilot, driving on a suspended license and crashing into a cop. It could have only been more stupid if they crashed into a jail. lol

RV Driver: “Wow, this thing is really struggling.”

They have GOT to name a corner after her....... 

I woke up about 15 minutes ago, turned on my phone, and this was the very first notification I got.

ohhh no you don’t get back here, you no no no no one gets away nuh uh sorry no

McRae, Burnsy, Beef.  Every think about this era, just makes me sad a bit.

Looking back on these now is like looking back on the 80's rally heyday when I was a kid in the 90's. It’s a trip to think this was 20 years ago.

I loved rally in the early 00s. Lots of manufacturers supporting, still had big names like Tommi, Colin, Burns, Gronholm, and Sainz. 8 different winners over 14 rounds! Look at the number of retirements in 2001 versus 2019.  I want to care about rally now, but it definitely doesn’t feel the same 20 years later.  

Nostalgia trip: Used to watch SpeedTV’s WRC coverage religiously in the 2000s with Burns, Makinen, Gronholm, Loeb and my all time favorite Solberg. Best coverage of WRC, 1 hour of curated highlight coverage each day of the weekend. Muah. Now I need to go find some old footage.