
Various metals, carbon fiber, cloth materials, rubbers, foams, wiring, glass... the usual stuff.

Remember when Air Canada got their first A320 and Airbus rolled it out with a scarf and ear warmers?

But if you’re buying a big SUV like this, it’s likely to be used on the open road. Or bought to aspire to ...

The same people buying (or, more likely, leasing) a Yukon Denali or Escalade. 

Nobody is stupid enough to spend $90k on the same exact car that’s available for almost $40k less minus some extra leather trim.

From the rear it looks like an old Mazda MPV

Uh huh. Sorry girl, but you knew what you were doing when you started caping for the right and still went boldly ahead in doing it. Now that things are easy and you got your next grift lined up, you are throwing all the shit you said and did to the side because you know you are on the wrong side of history and of

I agree that Black Thought is a GOAT, but just want to make clear that that “freestyle” with Meth wasn’t impromptu. He clearly prepared. It was just memorized.

Drake belongs in the Pitbull and Flo Ridah (?) club of great dance music and made by great music producer and marginal rappers.

Drake is catchy. He is the equivalent of a 5 guys burger. Tasty when you need something to eat and not completely bad for you. But what if you want the equivalent of an aged steak and baked potato on white linen tablecloths? You can choose Jay-z or Nas or Biggie or Pac or Rakim. On a good day I might even add Mos Def

So, I took private lessons from a guy that had worked in driver’s testing for decades before retiring. He took me on the exact route they used for 30 years. We drove it day after day and he pointed out every single thing they would gig me on. So I was ready.

I’m working on that! But these clouds aren’t going to yell at themselves.

Good for them for offering a cheap EV but it wont pass the same crash testing as a Tesla.

There is no crash test data for the charming car, but GM says that 57 percent of the car’s body consists of high-strength steel.

Thats pretty good and probably right on the money. It’ll be more mall parking lot runner than trail blazer with that extra length.

Quick mockup

Oh yeah, I think I see you back there. It must be a crazy feeling knowing your hardware is on another planet and may help answer the question of if we’re alone in the universe. Congrats! 

Nice job on the article! Really well done synopsis. Fun trivia, I’m in the back left of the team photo and am the CogE for the arm, but I hide on Jalopnik in the gray.