
That’s actually how almost every story I’ve seen reads. Torch’s article gives credit for the success before mentioning the explosion. The Washington Post article gives the same credit for the achievement and then says it was 8 minutes after the landing that the explosion happened. You know why everyone mentions the

I’m happy to fuck off, of course, but I do want to correct that I have a lot of respect for the Everyday Astronaut and enjoy his very informative and in-depth videos. Also, I think I made it pretty clear that the test was a success?

Speaking of stans......

The good news is that the rocket technology is out of its infancy. The bad news is that it is now a toddler. It took a few steps, then fall down and go boom.

At least Home Town every Reno doesn’t look exactly the same. You’ve seen one Fixer Upper, you’ve seen them all

I may have my “unsettlingly charming red-state couple who do home renovations on TV” misremembered, but aren’t these also the folks who almost exclusively do renos for people from their church? Like, I’m sure they’re nice enough but that kind of self-dealing never sits right with me.

I don’t like the thing’s face.

How much money are you prepared to spend?  Because that’s what it comes down to.

Does Tesla’s Autopilot recognize other vehicle’s turn signals? Legitimately asking, because that can make a huge difference.
But this is absolutely the system not performing anything life saving imo. Honestly, I probably would have taken over prior to the split to ensure the car went where I wanted and then re-engage.

Beige carpet?!?  Horrifying.

The Cask of Amontillado?

Thanks for saving me 5 minutes!

So she spent multiple videos churning up likes, unnecessarily documenting every step or random thought she had, only to finally reveal - a pretty average looking basement. And as was pointed out, it contains her fuse box and water heater - things she really should have looked at before purchasing the house - and both

or the water heater...

The plane would have been within range of a landing site for the entire trip, as required by law, and a single engine has enough power for a safe takeoff and a stable climb.

Not necessarily. Compressor stalls are not uncommon, and a 777 produces enough thrust to where it ideally should have been able to rotate and climb (albeit at a slower rate) on one engine. I do agree, though, that having it happen at altitude was a much better scenario than earlier during this critical phase of flight

Once there’s no longer enough room during the takeoff roll to stop on the runway, planes have to be able to take off and clear surrounding terrain with one engine not functioning. So no, not almost certain.

I don’t know. Harry Ellis brought the magic snow on Christmas Eve.

Ccccccombo breaker!!!! My favo part of Street Fighter!

Now playing

That trailer is seriously lacking in Mortal Kombat theme song.