
I would take exception to calling a Tesla a luxury vehicle.

Depends where you live. Here in Quebec, if you’re not in Montreal or Quebec City, you’re SOL. You can easily be a 8-10 hour drive away from them. And yes, before any one asks, Volts/Bolts do get sold in the boonies here as well. Electricity is dirt cheap everywhere in Quebec, gas... is not.

This is part of why I would not buy a Tesla, and wouldn’t buy directly from any manufacturer. Who wants to buy a car for 10's of thousands of dollars, with no opportunity to negotiate, and then somebody saves $2k because they waited 24 hours to buy? I would much rather go to a dealer, find the car I want, and tell

There are other reason to not buy a Tesla over the price. For example, I need service I just bring it...ooohh right.

I mean, it’s ted cruz, a literal tapeworm that just fell out of donald trump’s asshole after four years.

Best thing he ever did.

For those of you that are, like me, in desperate need of some good news:

What horrible writing. The truth is it’s an OTA update or a dealership visit depending on if you paid for the “Mercedes Me” subscription service. If you did, it’ll be done by OTA for sure.

This is dumb. At least Formula E is consistent in their dumb, I guess.

Pablo Pascal is a Radiohead album, dummy.

First, she’s been repeatedly warned. REPEATEDLY. Second thing, one is comparing actual children in cages and the other one is comparing the treatment of a political affiliation.

There is a world of difference between comparing *public figures getting pushback on their stated views* to putting people in concentration camps, and comparing *putting people in concentration camps* to putting people in concentration camps.

I find it hilarious that the same bigoted assholes who called her character an “SJW Mary Sue” are now whining “Freeze Peach” because it turns out Carano shares their views.

Ben “Aquaman” Shapiro.

They don’t even understand what their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, was all about. Do we really not expect them to screw up interpreting Sci-Fi as well?

Data: “Physics continues to demonstrate that large, heavy things are less affected by object interactions than small, light things. Also, if you build your safety systems to protect drivers, passengers will do relatively worse in collisions.

Tesla: “Our people carriers can do 0-60 quicker than most supercars can!”* **

I’ve been saying it for years, but the difference between a company like Porsche and a company like Tesla is that they under promise and over deliver. Tesla cherry pick settings and conditions to deliver a headline range and performance number so they can wow the press, Porsche make sure their customers are satisfied

Yeah but can I drive it from my house in Cheyenne, Wyoming to my job in Huntsville, Alabama without spending more than 3 minutes stationary and outside the car at any point? Checkmate liberals.